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How to Build a Successful Med Tech Business? Learn from the best in the industry! UniLab, in collaboration with Riga Stradiņš University, invites everyone to explore the creation and behind-the-scenes of the Med Tech business at the Entrepreneurial Gene event "How to Build a Successful Med Tech Business", where experienced Med Tech entrepreneurs will share their success secrets and provide practical sales skills.

During the event, industry entrepreneurs Didzis Rūtītis (Sepsiscan) and Jānis Kondrats (Exonikus) will share their experiences, while Vadim Vakaryuk (Exomedia) will lead a practical workshop to understand Med Tech business development and sales strategies.

The event is open to students, researchers, academic staff, and anyone interested in creating and successfully launching Med Tech companies in the market.



The event is organized within the framework of the Riga City Municipality's business support program 'Riga Startup Ecosystem Support Program' with the support of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology's Health Knowledge and Innovation Community (EIT Health).



RSU Innovation Centre

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