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Open lectures for voice care professionals and researchers in English (~5h)

  • Singing with hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)
  • The role of vocal acoustics and psychoacoustics in clinical practice
  • The effects of hormonal changes on the female voice

About the speakers

A graduate of the University of Arizona, Joanne Bozeman has been a singing teacher for 47 years. She was a faculty member at Lawrence University’s Conservatory of Music for 26 of those years, where she taught studio voice and a number of voice-related and singing diction courses. Joanne’s students have been winners in the NATS Auditions and other competitions, and many have continued on to excellent graduate programs and performing careers. Others have become singing teachers, choral directors, music educators, and speech and language pathologists. In addition to her career as a singing teacher, Joanne performed frequently in recital, concert and oratorio. Now retired from academia and professional singing, she continues to be engaged with the voice community as a teacher and frequent presenter on the relationship of female voice and hormones.

Kenneth Bozeman, Professor of Music, tenor, holds performance degrees from Baylor University and the University of Arizona, and subsequently studied at the State Conservatory of Music in Munich on a Rotary fellowship.  He is chair of the voice department at Lawrence University, where he has received two awards for excellence in teaching. He was awarded the Van Lawrence Fellowship by the Voice Foundation in 1994 for his interest in voice science and pedagogy and is the chair of the editorial board of the NATS Journal of Singing. His former students have sung with Houston Grand, Boston Lyric, Opera Colorado, Washington, Wolf Trap, Seattle, Deutsche Oper Berlin, San Francisco, New York City Opera, the Metropolitan, and Santa Fe Opera.

The lectures will take place in English

The Latvian Association of Teachers of Singing


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