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On Wednesday 23 October, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Theodoros Rousopoulos, will give a lecture on media, politics and international affairs at the Rīga Stradiņs University (RSU) Faculty of Social Sciences. In addition to being an experienced and well-known Greek politician, Theodoros Rousopoulos has also been an influential journalist for many years. In his talk, he will share his wealth of experience and draw on his career in both the media and the political arena. 

  • Guest lecture in the form of a panel discussion at the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Working language - English
  • Moderator: Romāns Gagunovs, Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is one of the Council's largest and most visible bodies. It brings together 306 permanent and 306 alternate representatives from the 46 member states of the Council of Europe. The countries are represented in the Assembly by members of their national parliaments. Latvia is represented by six members of the Saeima (three permanent representatives and three alternate representatives).

Anyone interested in the topic is welcome!



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