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Course nameContemporary Entrepreneurship and Business Management 2024/2025
Branch of scienceEconomics and Entrepreneurship
Study course level7
Total number of contact hours64
Number of lecture hours32
Number of seminar and practical assignment hours32
Independent study hours96
Prerequisite knowledge There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Developed byProf. Dr. rer. pol. prof. Arnis Sauka

Course abstract

The primary aim of this course is to introduce doctoral students with theoretical and methodological approaches, as used in contemporary entrepreneurship, business management and economics research, in order to strengthen knowledge and skills needed to write doctoral dissertation. In addition to that, scientific discussion abilities of PhD students will be developed during the course as well as further opportunities created for the better integration within the international scientific community. These aims will be achieved by organizing lectures by distinguished scholars from some of the leading universities and business schools in Europe and other regions of the World. The course will be run from October to June and will consist of 10-12 meetings (5-7 in each Semester). Each meeting will last for approximately 3 academic hours. Scholars will present their on- going research work, providing with insights into (i) how particular research topic was chosen, (ii) how research contribution has been identified, (iii) what conceptual frameworks are used, and methodological choices made as well as (iv) what are implications of research to the practitioners and policy makers. The process of reviewing scientific articles will be discussed, incl. from the perspective of academic journal editors, doctoral dissertation writing skills, opportunities to integrate into the international scientific community, etc. skills essential for the development of a high-quality doctoral dissertation. In such a way, both by listening to the presentations and interacting with invited scholars, PhD students will be expected to broader their knowledge horizons with regards to various theories and methods used in contemporary entrepreneurship, management and economics researchincluding multidisciplinary approaches. Course will be useful both for 1st year PhD students as well as doctoral students from 2nd and 3rd year as well as in later stages of their PhD thesis writing process. Course will be run in English.

The course is implemented within the framework of the doctoral study program "Business Management", which is run by RISEBA University and BA School of Business and Finance in cooperation with Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga) and the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences (Germany). 

Apply via e-mail: arnis[pnkts]saukaatsseriga[pnkts]edu

Detalizēta informācija

Classes are held in person at SSE Riga, Strēlnieku iela 4, Riga. Without additional payment, the course is also offered to doctoral students of other Latvian universities. After successfully completing the course, doctoral students will be issued a RISEBA University certificate for completing the C (elective) doctoral course.

Course plan*

*Preliminary (speakers and topics may change)

27 Sep

Prof. Marina Solesvik, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

4 Oct

Prof. Erik Stam, Ultrecht University, the Netherlands. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.

11 Oct

Arkādijs Zvaigzne, , PhD candidate in Education, Harvard University, US.
Competitiveness and Human capital development.

8 Nov

Prof. Bruno Dallago, University of Trento, Italy.
Functionalist construction and national interests in the European Union: A systemic perspective.

29 Nov 

Dr. Sanita Rugina, Sodertorn University, Sweden.
Ukranian refugees entrepreneurs - identity construction/ resilience.

6 Dec

Prof. Arnis Sauka, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia.
The Art of writing a PhD thesis.



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