Several workshops will be organised to promote the evaluation of the impact of the research. The first of these will take place in December. Save the date for the Practical Training on Research Impact Assessment, happening remotely on 13 December from 11:00 to 13:00 (EET).
We kindly ask institutes, centres, and scientific groups to participate! Please feel free to share this event with your colleagues!
- Welcome & Introductions
- Introduction to Research Impact & Impact Assessment
- Understanding pathways to research impact
- Key impact criteria and data
- Communicating Individual Impact
- Crafting compelling narratives for personal contributions
- Strategies for showcasing expertise to funders and stakeholders
- Communicating Collective Impact
- Emphasizing team and institutional contributions
- Aligning research outcomes with broader societal priorities
- Exercise: Communicating My Impact
- Interactive session: Participants will practicing drafting an impact narrative
- Lessons Learned: Dissecting an Impact Narrative
- Real-world examples of successful and unsuccessful impact stories
- Good Practices & Tips
- Proven strategies for effective impact communication
- Discussion
- Opportunity for questions and answers
About the speaker
Sarah Bowman is an accomplished professional with a career spanning over two decades, characterized by her commitment to community engagement, impact assessment, and public policy advocacy. Her extensive track record reflects her dedication to driving positive change by fostering collaboration. She joined Blue Zones in 2023 to serve as Vice President of Policy Operations and Development, having provided policy and engagement support since 2016. Among her significant accomplishments, Sarah held pivotal roles at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, between 2014 and 2023, where she served as the Director of Strategic Engagement and Impact Assessment within the Office of the Dean of Research. In this capacity, she led initiatives aimed at promoting engaged research, facilitating public engagement, and designing impact assessment. In 2023, Sarah was selected to represent Ireland in the European Commission's Team Connect citizen engagement program and, in 2022, Sarah was selected as a facilitator on Evidence for Policymaking through the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. Furthermore, she served as the inaugural Director of the Health Research Board-Irish Research Council Ignite Programme at Trinity College, dedicated to enabling public and patient involvement in health and social care research. Sarah's expertise extends to community engagement, where she has achieved remarkable success, spearheading policy and implementation efforts in over 1,300 communities across the United States, Canada, and Ireland. A skilled writer and editor, Sarah has collaboratively produced publications spanning various topics, including walkability, livability, Complete Streets, engaged research, and impact assessment, often in close partnership with prestigious organizations and government bodies. Recent publications include "Steering Higher Education Towards Community Engagement: Systems-Level Policy Recommendations for Ireland," "Researcher Impact Framework: Building Audience-Focused Evidence-Based Impact Narratives," "The Engaged Research Framework: A How-To Guide," "Engaged Research Planning for Impact Framework: A How-To Guide," "The Public Patient Involvement Values Framework," "The Public Patient Involvement Quality Improvement Framework," and "Making a Start: A Toolkit for Research Charities," in addition to her contributions to numerous research and policy briefs. Sarah served on the Steering Committee for Campus Engage through the Irish Universities Association. She has volunteered in support of a number of efforts, including the International Review Committee for Walk21 Dublin, the Governance Board of Age & Opportunity, the Governance Board for the CONNECT Centre for Future Networks and Communications, and on Engagement Advisory Boards for the AMBER: Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research Institute, MaREI: Marine and Renewable Energy Institute, and Access Earth.
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