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All interested members and friends are welcome to celebrate the15th anniversary celebration of the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Alumni Association!

We want to look back on what we have done in the last few years, celebrate our anniversary, sharpen our minds a little bit, and just spend time in pleasant company.

During the evening, you will have the opportunity to meet our existing, former, and future members, as well as get the opportunity to start the summer with joy, energy and new ideas!

The anniversary celebrations will also include the RSU Alumni Association Reconvened General Meeting (if you attend the anniversary event, your attendance will also count towards the general meeting)

Dress code: Cocktail attire

If you wish to attend, please fill out this webform by 30 May.

There will be music, activities, a festive mood, and positive emotions!

Let's celebrate happy moments together!

Facebook event page



mākslas centrs "ZUZEUM"

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