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On Wednesday, October 16, join the RSU business incubator B-Space workshop 'Technology for medicine, health and heathy lifestyle'. In the first part of the workshop, under the guidance of technology enthusiast Kristaps Skutelis, you will learn how and what modern technologies are used in the fields of health and medicine. In the second part of the workshop, the on-site participants will be able to sharpen their skills and understanding in practical tasks.

Participants of the workshop are welcome to attend in person (B-Space at Vīlipa street 12), however, the opportunity to join the seminar remotely will also be provided. The workshop will be held in English.

About the lecturer

Kristaps follows modern technologies all his conscientious life, tries out gadgets and cars and informs about his experience in Latvia's most read technology blog, radio Star FM, television and social media. Man-Gadget.

Project No. KPVIS RSU internal consolidation and external consolidation of RSU and LASE.


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