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General information

Call for papers

When exploring questions pertaining to human mobility, connections and ties are often a point of interest. Rather than problematising the maintenance of relations vis-a-vis mobility, in this conference we will aim to examine the disconnecting and preventing contact, the breaking and weakening of ties, as well as "unkinning". That is, we will focus on getting away—both on purpose or by accident.

“Getting away” can take place on various levels: both on the personal level, when mobility is used to break with the previous life, engagements, commitments, prejudices, and entrapments, and also on the policy level, when transforming relations or social structures by shuffling employees within and across national borders, or by attempting to manage a pandemic through putting a pause on human ties. Taking these levels into account, the conference connects diverse spheres of anthropological inquiry, such as mobility, the state, organisation, kinship, the anthropocene, infrastructure, and (digital) technologies. 

The Getaway Conference examines the breaking, making, and maintaining of social ties among what may be referred to as mobile professionals. Drawing on approaches from the anthropology of mobility, the anthropology of the state, multispecies ethnography, and media anthropology, the event sheds light on the changing role of kin and other forms of ties in mobile lives. Participants are invited to present their empirical research, propose theoretical perspectives, or discuss methodological and ethical challenges related to the theme of the conference.

Scholars from related disciplines, such as, for instance, sociology, human geography, media studies, and other fields, are also encouraged to submit abstracts. 

The following list contains some ideas—though by no means exclusive—along which one can approach the conference topic:

  • digital detox and unwanted communication;
  • lifestyle migration and mobility;
  • digital nomads and “disconnected” labour;
  • escaping boredom;
  • platform labour;
  • pleasure and remote work;
  • breaking ties on social media;
  • prevention of the creation of unwanted relations;
  • getting away from unwanted species (plants, animals, bacteria);
  • mobility as recreation;
  • mobility as a means to prevent stagnation;
  • enclaves and gated communities;
  • conferences as get-away events.

Please click here to submit abstract (~250 words)

Important dates

3 June 2024

Abstract submission deadline (extended)

10 June 2024

Abstract acceptance notification

30 August 2024

Registration deadline

  • Language: English
  • No participation fee for the delegates

Travelling to and around Riga

The easiest way to travel to Latvia is by plane. There are direct flights to Riga from most biggest cities in Europe. Riga International Airport is located just outside the Latvian capital and getting to the city center by bus or taxi is quick and easy. Bus No. 22 runs to and from the airport every 20 minutes (route schedule); the bus ticket costs EUR 2.00 and may be purchased on the bus. A public transport ticket is valid for 1,5 hrs after the first registration in all city buses, trams and trolleybuses.

The other option for travelling form the airport to the city center is taxi. The fares are set by taxi carriers; typically, the fare is comprised of the boarding fee, the distance fee and the travel time fee. You can hire a taxi at the airport in the designated area or by using the mobile app, which will calculate the fare for you prior to boarding the cab. If you choose a taxi at the airport, we recommend the services of Baltic Taxi. Normally, the fare for a ride from the airport to the city centre is 10 to 15 Euros.

When in Riga

To move around Riga, you can use public transportation - tram, trolleybus and bus. Timetables, fares and purchase information are available in Latvian and English at

You may also opt for the code ticket, which allows you to make payments for trips with your smartphone. In order to use a code ticket, you will have to install a mobile app on your smartphone: download the app of your choice.

Please be aware that all tickets must be registered every time you board a new tram, trolleybus, or bus. Passengers without a valid or unregistered ticket may be fined between 15 and 30 EUR.

Getting to the conference venue

Rīga Stradiņš University is located at 16 Dzirciema iela in Pārdaugava, on the left bank of the river Daugava. There is efficient public transportation network with routes directly connecting the University area with the city centre and many other neighbourhoods.

 RouteGet on atGet off at
Tram 1Jugla — ImantaAny stop on Brīvības iela or Barona ielaDzirciema iela
Tram 5Mīlgrāvis — IļģuciemsGrēcinieku iela, 13. janvāra iela, or Nacionālā operaDārza iela
Trolleybus 9Stacijas laukums — IļģuciemsGrēcinieku iela, or 13. janvāra ielaBotāniskais dārzs
Trolleybus 25Brīvības iela — IļģuciemsElizabetes iela or Nacionālais teātrisBotāniskais dārzs
Bus 37 or 41Esplanāde — Imanta 5Nacionālais teātrisBotāniskais dārzs

Accommodation options

We have listed a few hotels based on the location and public transport connection with the venue.

HotelAddress in RīgaAvg. single room price / night (via transport
Riga Islande Hotel2 Ķīpsalas iela~70 EURTrolleybus 25 / Bus 37 or 41
Park Inn by Radisson Riga Valdemara1 Krogus iela~80 EURTram 1 or 5
Bridge Hotel6 Daugavgrīvas iela~50 EURTram 1 or 5
Bellevue Park Hotel Riga1 Slokas iela~100 EURTram 1 or 5
My Hotel OK & Coliving12 Slokas iela~50 EURTram 1 or 5
Primo Hotel62 Nometņu iela~60 EURTrolleybus 9 or 25 / Bus 4, 21, 38, 39 or 46


 Please address all inquiries to Edīte Pauna at edite[pnkts]paunaatrsu[pnkts]lv.
Data processing

It should be pointed out that in order to ensure the proper processing of personal data of the conference participants, personal data of the participants may be processed during the conference events, i.e., the photos may be taken, voice or video recordings may be made. Your personal data may be used to ensure RSU's legitimate interests in informing the public and in marketing and communication activities (including the material preparation and publishing on social networks).

Photos may be taken and videos may be recorded during the event; and the event may be live-streamed as well. In such a case, information signs shall be put up at the entrance to the event indicating that photos and videos are taken during the event or the event may be viewed via live-stream. Photos and videos of a person may be posted on RSU website and/or on social networks as well as in mass media.

Your participation in the conference is entirely voluntary. If you have agreed to participate in the conference, you are entitled to suspend your participation at any time. In addition, you have the right to request access to personal data, the right to rectify or delete personal data, and to object to the processing carried out or to request the transfer of personal data.

Rights of the person and the possibility of objecting to the processing of personal data

If you object to such processing of personal data, please notify us of it by e-mail to conferenceatrsu[pnkts]lv or personu[pnkts]datiatrsu[pnkts]lv.

Presentations, speeches and poster presentations submitted for the conference shall be publicly available and downloadable for study and research purposes.

Each conference participant shall assume the responsibility for the compliance with the intellectual property rights of third parties during creation (performance) of the research materials (Copyright work), thereby also ensuring the Contracting Authority against the claims of third parties.