Overview of research workContactsRīga 1st HospitalRīga, 5 Bruņinieku ielaPhone: +37167272814E-mail: ilona [pts] hartmanersu [pts] lvView mapRelated news You have to love numbers! Anniversary conversation with Record Keeper for Educational Work Elita ZvidriņaFor RSU Employees, Anniversaries, RSU History RSU Alumni Association elects new boardRSU Alumni Anniversary interview with Prof. Ardis Platkājis: on radiology, medical innovations, students, and sportsResearchers Up Close, For RSU Employees, Anniversaries RSU Museum of Anatomy invites you to the opening of Laimdota Malle's exhibition - Meet the artist!For Students, For RSU Employees, RSU Alumni, Exhibitions RSU Museum of Anatomy invites you to the opening of Laimdota Malle's exhibition "Horrify me, Soothe me, Horrify me"For Students, For RSU Employees, RSU Alumni, ExhibitionsColleaguesAssoc. Prof. Vladimirs VoicehovskisAcademic StaffAssoc. Prof. Maija RadziņaLead ResearcherAsst. Prof. Dr. biol. Inese Čakstiņa-DzērveLead Researcher, Academic StaffAsst. Prof. Jānis JušinskisAcademic Staff, Lead ResearcherAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Jeļena MaksimenkoLead Researcher, Academic Staff, Acting ResearcherAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Žanna MartinsoneAcademic Staff, Lead Researcher, Lead ResearcherAsst. Prof. Madara TirzīteAcademic Staff, Lead ResearcherAsst. Prof. Nauris ZdanovskisAcademic Staff, ResearcherAsst. Prof. Olga RajevskaAcademic Staff, BiostatisticianAsst. Prof. Ilze ApineAcademic StaffAsst. Prof. Elga BataragaHead of Department, Academic StaffAsst. Prof. Inese BriedeAcademic Staff, SpecialistAsst. Prof. Liene ČupāneAcademic StaffAsst. Prof. Zane DāvidsoneAcademic StaffAsst. Prof. Andra DērvenieceAcademic StaffAsst. Prof. Ivanda FranckevičaAcademic StaffAsst. Prof. Sandra GintereAcademic Staff, Family Doctor, Occupational Medicine PhysicianAsst. Prof. Tatjana Glaskova-KuzminaAcademic Staff Show more