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Midwifery Work Management and Law

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:3.00
Study Course Accepted:04.06.2024 14:00:24
Study Course Information
Course Code:MDAK_363LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Midwifery
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Pēteris Ersts
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, mdakatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061568
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes16
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Public health and epidemiology, concept and concept of health, philosophy and medical ethics, communication psychology., introduction to evidence-based care, fundamentals of law.
To promote the acquisition of knowledge about the current principles and methods of maternal and child health care organizations, as well as health care organizations as a whole, their policy and financing issues in the country and the world. To introduce students to the theoretical assumptions and practical methods of health care management, their application possibilities. To provide an understanding of the quality management system in the health care system. Promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of understanding of the regulatory framework in health care - the rights and obligations of medical personnel, patients, the storage of medical documentation, the protection of personal data, the legal aspects of the midwife's work - the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, the rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction of law. Human rights. The Principles of Patient law.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
2Patient’s rights and duties Minor patient rights and duties.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
Classes2.00E-Studies platform
3Health care personnel rights and duties.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
4Liability for health care related harm. Medical Treatment Risk Fund. Compensation of harm, procedures of compensation requests and disbursement of compensation.Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
Classes1.00E-Studies platform
5Rights of individual in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Procedures for assistance with deliveries. Medical records in health care institution.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
6Health care system in the world and in Latvia. Principles of health care organisation and management. The work of a midwife manager in ensuring and promoting the health care process of the mother and child, the legal acts determining professional activities. (ICM, EMA guidelines)Lectures1.00E-Studies platform
7The work of a midwife manager in organizing and improving the maternal and child health care process, theory and practiceClasses1.00auditorium
8Decision making process. Cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions. Influence of human factorLectures1.00auditorium
9Leadership in midwifery practice. Lifelong learningClasses1.00auditorium
10Health care organisation models, philosophy and strategy. Organisational culture. Factors influencing work productivity and job satisfactionLectures1.00auditorium
11Personality in the work environment and psychosocial factors, their evaluation methods. Error and experience monitoringClasses1.00auditorium
12Management styles. Professional deformation in the work environment, burnout, monitoring and prevention opportunitiesLectures1.00auditorium
13Personnel projection and planning. Personnel motivation, establishment of a wage system and performance assessmentClasses1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Within the course, students prepare independent works according to the course topics: solutions to problem situations, fill out documents according to the situations. Analysis of the literature and informative sources included in the e-studies and specified in the study course, presentations on the topics of the lessons.
Assessment Criteria:
A 10-point system is used to evaluate students' knowledge, the criteria described in the RSU Study Regulations are used for evaluation. Completion of independent and test assignments (50%) and final exam (50%). Students who have attended all classes and successfully passed all exams scheduled during the semester are admitted to the final exam.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:As a result of the study course, students acquire knowledge about the rights and obligations of medical practitioners, patients, personal data protection, storage of medical documentation, personal data protection, legal aspects of midwifery work - the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Students will have developed an understanding of medical law, its importance in the processes of social life and professional activity. As a result of studying the study course, students will be able to define maternal and child health care policy, the Republic of Latvia and international health care policy documents as a whole.
Skills:Students will understand the legal aspects of the profession - medical law (including the rights and obligations of medical practitioners, patients) and medical documentation record-keeping, personal data protection, legal aspects of midwifery work - procedures for providing childbirth assistance, rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health. The student will understand the applicable legislation in professional activities and situations that may arise in daily work. Students will learn the ability to apply in their professional activities the regulatory and recommending acts of the Republic of Latvia and international health care, including ICM, and EMA guidelines in the midwifery work organization.
Competencies:Students will be able to apply medical law - they will know the rights and obligations of medical practitioners and patients, they will learn to protect personal data, incl. medical documentation, as well as know their rights and obligations as a health care worker, the procedure for providing childbirth assistance, the rights and obligations of individuals in the field of sexual and reproductive health. Will be able to define and analyze the basic principles of the quality management system. Will be able to analyze and propose solutions for improving the organization and provision of the mother and child health process.
Required Reading
1WHO Recommendations Standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities
2Dukāte I. Vadībzinības rokasgrāmata R., Zvaigzne ABC, 2004
3Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas. SIA "Latvijas izglītības fonds" , Rīga, 2004
4Leadership 2050" Critical Challenges, Key Contexts and Emerging Trends" Matthew Sowcik, Anthony C. Andenoro, et al. 2015
5Workplace Conflict Resolution Essentials for Dummies. Book Cover Image. by Vivian Scott, and Vivian Scott. PUBLISHER John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. 2015
6Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations: A Strategic Approach. Joan E. Pynes, Donald N. Lombardi, and Joan Pynes, 2012.
7Latvijas Republikas Satversme
8Ārstniecības likums
9Pacientu tiesību likums
10Seksuālās un reproduktīvās veselības likums
11Fizisko personu datu apstrādes likums
12MK 25.07.2006.noteikumi Nr.611 „Dzemdību palīdzības nodrošināšanas kārtība”
13Medicīnas tiesības. Autoru kolektīvs S. Ašnevicas – Slokenbergas vadībā, TNA, 2015
14Pacientu tiesību likuma komentāri. Autoru kolektīvs Santas Slokenberga vadībā, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2019
15MK 04.04.2006. noteikumi Nr.265 „Medicīnisko dokumentu lietvedības kārtība”
16MK 22.11.2013. noteikumi Nr.1268 “Ārstniecības riska fonda darbības noteikumi”
Additional Reading
1WHO, Disability: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2020.
2EBOOK: Quality, Risk and Control in Health Care. Ellie Scrivens.
3The Politics of Maternity. Rosemary Mander and Jo Murphy-Lawless, 2013.
4Levy Shankman, MarcyAllen, Scott J.and more. “Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for Students”, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015.
5Modern health care delivery systems, care coordination and the role of hospitals, 2012.
6Epidemioloģiskās drošības likums
7Likums “Par prakses ārstiem”
8Likums “Par miruša cilvēka ķermeņa aizsardzību un cilvēka audu un orgānu izmantošanu”
9Farmācijas likums
10Narkotisko un psihotropo vielu un zāļu, kā arī prekursoru likumīgās aprites likums
11Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju atbalsta likums
12Citi likumi un MK noteikumi
13Ersts, P. Aktualitātes pacientu, tostarp bērnu, tiesību ievērošanā veselības un sociālās aprūpes jomā.
14Mazure, L. Pacienta griba un tās civiltiesiskā aizsardzība. Rēzekne, 2014
Other Information Sources
1European Organization for Quality
2European Agency of Health at work.
3WHO, Maternal and perinatal health.
4The European Midwives Association (EMA), Position Papers
5International Confederation of Midwives.
6“Performance Leadership”. Karen Moustafa Leonard and Fatma Pakdil. Business Expert Press, 2016
7Slokenberga, S. Ārstniecības personu administratīvā atbildība: slazds, kas ietverts LAPK. Jurista vārds, 08.10.2013./Nr.41(792)
8Šulce – Rēvele, L., Līkanse, D. Pacienta tiesību attīstība Latvijā. Jurista vārds, 08.10.2013./Nr.41(792)
9Vilka, I. Ārsta profesionālā brīvība. Jurista vārds, 08.10.2013./Nr.41(792)
10Čirko A., Kaniņa I. Pret bērniem vērstas vardarbības atpazīšana un profilakse. Zīdaiņu pēkšņās nāves sindroms. 2019
11Autoru kolektīvs. Ieteikumi ārstniecības personām vardarbības gadījumu, kuros cieš bērni, atpazīšanai. SPKC
12Child abuse
13Raksti par medicīnas tiesību tematiku