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Innovation Management in International Business

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:5.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:29:51
Study Course Information
Course Code:SBUEK_135LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Management; Business ManagementTarget Audience:Business Management
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Vladimirs Rojenko
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)7Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures14
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes10
Total Contact Hours24
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)3Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures6
Classes (count)3Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes6
Total Contact Hours12
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
International economic relations, international marketing, market research.
To provide students with knowledge of the specifics of innovation process management and its significance in international business, to understand and be able to apply innovative management theories in practice.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The essence of innovation and its role in economic growth.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Innovative entrepreneurship, specifics and risks thereof.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Innovative economic development trends in Latvia and in the world.Classes1.00auditorium
4The essence and specifics of innovation management in the 21st century.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Innovation marketing.Lectures1.00auditorium
6The role of human being in the innovation process.Classes1.00auditorium
7Innovation infrastructure.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Intellectual property.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Protection of innovation.Classes1.00auditorium
10Social aspects of innovative activity.Lectures1.00auditorium
11Presentations of independent work and scientific discussion.Classes2.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The essence of innovation and its role in economic growth.Lectures0.50auditorium
3Innovative economic development trends in Latvia and in the world.Classes0.50auditorium
4The essence and specifics of innovation management in the 21st century.Lectures0.50auditorium
5Innovation marketing.Lectures0.50auditorium
6The role of human being in the innovation process.Classes0.50auditorium
7Innovation infrastructure.Lectures0.50auditorium
8Intellectual property.Lectures0.50auditorium
9Protection of innovation.Classes1.00auditorium
10Social aspects of innovative activity.Lectures0.50auditorium
11Presentations of independent work and scientific discussion.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Students’ independent work includes the following tasks: 1. Literature analysis and compilation. 2. Individual work - preparation of a report on one of the study course topics. (preparation of the report provides for in-depth study of a topic of the course, content analysis of thematic literature and other information sources, description of possibilities and/or examples of practical application of theoretical conclusions, student’s opinion on problems related to the topic, theoretical thought development perspective, report size: 8 – 10 pages). 3. Presentation of independent work results. (preparation of a visual presentation, scientific discussion with colleagues and lecturers, total duration of the presentation with discussion not more than 10 min.). 4. Preparation of summaries (based on lecture materials and recommended literature).
Assessment Criteria:
1. Attendance of seminars and lectures, participation in class activities (discussions, debates) – compulsory, 20%; 2. Independent work (report) and presentation – compulsory, 30%; 3. Preparation of summaries – compulsory, 20%; 4. Exam – compulsory, 30%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On successful completion of the study course, students will develop an understanding of the essence of innovation, its importance in international business and economic development. Students will gain knowledge about the innovation process, specifics of its management in international business; on ways to activate innovative thinking and creativity.
Skills:After the completion of the study course, students will be able to come to a reasoned judgment and discuss innovative development issues and trends in international business. Students will develop skills to activate innovative thinking, identify viable innovative ideas, apply the findings of innovation management theories to solve practical problems.
Competencies:Students will be able to independently analyse innovation development trends, identify current innovation development trends; to objectively evaluate innovative ideas, opportunities for practical implementation and commercialisation thereof; to make decisions in the field of innovation management, to identify risks.
Required Reading
1Ābeltiņa A. Inovācija – XXI gadsimta fenomens. R., SIA „Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2008.
2Adners R. Skaties plašāk. Jaunā inovāciju stratēģija. R., Jumava, 2013.
3Boļšakovs S. Inovatīvā darbība. R., Jumava, 2008.
4Vedļa A. Inovatīvās darbības organizācija. R., Petrovskis & Co, 2007.
5Inovatīvā domāšana. R., Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007.
6Tidd J., Bessant J. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 5th edition. WILEY, 2013.
7Daft R. L. New Era of Management. 9th edition. South-Western Cengage Learning, 2014.
8Drucker P. Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Routledge Classics, New York, 2014.
Additional Reading
1Ābeltiņa A. Inovatīvā uzņēmējdarbība grāmatā: Uzņēmējdarbības vide un tās attīstības aspekti. R., BAT, 2013.
2Roger Everett M. Diffusion of Innovations. 5th edition, Simon & Schuster, 2003.
3Čans Kims. V., Maborna R. Zilā okeāna stratēģija. Lietišķās informācijas dienests, Rīga, 2007.
4Poļakovs G. Rūpnieciskā īpašuma īpašnieka tiesības. R., Turība, 2001, 12-24 lpp.
5Rozenfelds J. Intelektuālais īpašums. R., Zvaigzne ABS, 2004.
6Inovācijas /grāmatu sērija “Sarunas ar pasaules biznesa līderiem”. SIA Lietišķās informācijas dienests, Rīga, 2009.
7Cagan Jonathan, Vogel Craig M. Creating Breakthrough Products: Innovation from Product Planning to Program Approval. FT Press, 2007.
8 Drucker Peter. Management Challenges for the 21st Century. Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
9 Florida, Richard L. The rise of the creative class: revisited. Basic Books, 2012.
10Howkins J. The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin Books, 2013.
Other Information Sources
1LR Nacionālā industriālā politika.
3Latvijas nacionālais attīstības plāns 2014. – 2020. gadam.
4Latvijas attīstības stratēģija līdz 2030. g.
5„Eiropa – 2020”.
6Finansiālā atbalsta iespējas biznesa uzsācējiem.
7World Intellectual Property Organization.
8Latvijas Republikas patentu valde.
9European Patent Office.
10Žurnāls Forbes Latvija
11Žurnāls Kapitāls
12Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (NB! statistiskā informācija)