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State research programme 'Education'

Project No.: VPP-IZM-Izglītība-2023/5-0001
Project manager: Nora Jansone-Ratinika
Read more about the SRP "Education" (in Latvian)
Academic Staff Competence Model (COMPAC)

State research programme 'Public Health'

Project No.: VPP-VM-Sabiedrības_Veselība-2024/1-0002
Project manager: Ilze Grope
Enhancing General Practitioner Resilience in Latvia: Challenges and Solutions

Project No.: VPP-VM-Sabiedrības_Veselība-2023/5-0001
Project manager: Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne
New knowledge and approaches to reduce antimicrobial resistance, limit the spread of HIV and expand community vaccination coverage

Project No.: VPP-VM-Sabiedrības_Veselība-2023/6-0002
Project manager: Ainārs Stepens
Development of a new computer-assisted assessment tool for measuring and monitoring mental health outcomes of adolescents in the context of the post-COVID pandemic

Project No.: VPP-VM-Sabiedrības_Veselība-2023/4-0001
Project manager: Ivars Vanadziņš
Read more about the SRP "Public Health" (in Latvian)
Development of Human Biomonitoring Program for Latvia (HBM4LV)

State research programme 'Sports'

Project No.: VPP-IZM-Sports-2023/1-0001
Project manager: Signe Tomsone
Innovations, methodologies and recommendations for the development and management of the sports sector in Latvia

State research programme to lessen the effects of COVID-19

Project nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0023
Project leader: Ludmila Vīksna (RSU)
Clinical, biochemical, immunogenetic paradigms of Covid-19 infection and their correlation with socio-demographic, etiological, pathogenetic, diagnostic, therapeutically and prognostically important factors to be included in guidelines

Project Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0011
Project leader: Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne (RSU)
Impact of COVID-19 on health care system and public health in Latvia; ways in preparing health sector for future epidemics

Project Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0013
Project leader: Alise Tīfentāle (RSU)
Life with COVID-19: Evaluation of overcoming the coronavirus crisis in Latvia and recommendations for societal resilience in the future

Project nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0008
Project leader: Uga Dumpis (LU)
Multidisciplinary approach to monitor, mitigate and contain COVID19 and other future epidemics in Latvia

Project Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0016
Project leader: Jānis Kloviņš (BMC)
Establishment of COVID-19 related biobank and integrated platform for research data in Latvia

Project Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0004
Project leader: Tālis Juhna (RTU)
Integration of reliable technologies for protection against Covid-19 in healthcare and high risk areas

Project Nr. VPP-COVID-2020/1-0010
Project leader: Inna Šteinbuka (LU)
Towards the Post-pandemic Recovery: Economic, Political and Legal Framework for Preservation of Latvia's Growth Potential and Increasing Competitiveness (reCOVery-LV)

Priority 'Innovative and improved materials, smart technologies'

Project No.4  
Nanomaterials and medical application of nanotechnologies
Subproject No.3.4.2 
Project leader: Ilze Šalma   

Priority 'Public Health'

Project No.1.4.
Personalised monitoring of the atherosclerotic process, diagnostics and treatment. Research of recurrent stroke risk factors and antiplatelet resistance
Project leader: Andrejs Millers
Project funding: 19 043 EUR 

Project No.1.5. 
Personalised monitoring of the atherosclerotic process, diagnostics and treatment
Project leader: Pēteris Stradiņš

Project No.2.4. 
Molecular mechanisms of diabetes and cardiovascular complications, pharmacogenetics and new means of treatment
Project leader: Ilze Konrāde
Project funding: 10 080 EUR  

Project No.5.5.
Personalised cancer diagnostics and determination of therapeutic efficiency
Project leader: Jānis Gardovskis
Project funding: 181 956 EUR  

Project No.6.1.
Complex research of acute and chronic diseases in children for diagnostics and development of treatment algorithms for reduced mortality, extended life expectancy, improved quality of life and public health
Project leader: Aigars Pētersons
Project funding: 45 072 EUR

Project No.6.2. 
Research of life-threatening and socially significant infectious diseases in children, involving development of new scientifically substantiated action algorithms to reduce child mortality in Latvia
Project leader: Dace Gardovska
Project funding: 54 014 EUR

Project No.7.1.
Host determinants, predisposing factors and susceptibility to RNA virus infections (HIV, HCV, encephalitis), research of determinants modulation in the course of the disease
Project leader: Ludmila Vīksna
Project funding: 37 393 EUR

Project No.7.2.
Searching for Innovative Strategies of Regulation and Modulation of Infection Mechanisms
Project leader: Modra Murovska
Project funding: 39 898 EUR

Project No.8.1.
Research of significant mental disorders and health issues caused by cognitive dysfunction and burden reduction
Project leader: Elmārs Rancāns
Project funding: 34 535 EUR  

Project No.8.2.
Research of significant mental disorders and health issues caused by cognitive dysfunction and burden reduction.
Project leader: Ainārs Stepens
Project funding: 37 134  EUR

Priority 'Sustainable development of society'

Project No.9.1.
To measure the competitiveness of Latvian companies in external markets and strengthening of recommendations
Project leader: Remigijs Počs
Subproject No.9.1.3. Study on the competitiveness of the healthcare sector Project leader: Asoc. Prof.  Anita Villeruša
Project funding: 19 506 EUR   

Project No.9.5. 
A reflection on values and models for action during social and economic changes 
Project leader: Sergejs Kruks
Project funding: 37 899 EUR 

Project No.9.6.2. 
The trajectory of social and political post-crisis transformations in Latvia
Project leader: Lolita Vilka
Project funding: 12 800

Project No.9.7.2. 
Public engagement in social innovation processes for the ensuring of sustainable development in Latvia
Project leader: Inna Dovladbekova
Project funding: 9 656 EUR 

Project No.9.9.3.
The impact of changes in social awareness on the sustainability of ecosystem services
Project leaders: Inese Kokina, Žanna Martinsone
Project funding: 6 462 EUR 


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