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On 28 May, Prof. Amulya Kumar Saxena was conferred the title of Honorary Doctor of Medicine in the Senate Hall of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU).

‘Your children are just as important as our children. If we can have the same Iphones, then we should also have the same opportunities for treating children. I urge everyone to remember that there are difficulties everywhere, including in the countries where I work, but they must be overcome and not accepted. I am honoured to receive this title,’ Prof. Saxena said in his inaugural speech.

Goda doktora titula piešķiršana ir atzinība par profesora izcilajiem sasniegumiem un centību medicīnas zinātnes attīstībā. Savā apsveikuma uzrunā RSU rektors Aigars Pētersons uzsvēra: “Sveicot profesoru Saksenu mūsu universitātē, vēlos atgādināt visiem, cik lielu ietekmi uz pasauli var atstāt viens cilvēks. Viņa nenogurstošie centieni, tālredzīgā vadība un nelokāmā centība kalpo kā iedvesma mums visiem.”

Awarding the Honorary Doctorate is a recognition of the professor's outstanding achievements and dedication to the development of medical science. In his congratulatory address, RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons emphasised: ‘As we welcome Prof. Saxena to our university, I would like to remind everyone how much impact one person can have on the world. His tireless effort, visionary leadership, and unwavering dedication serve as an inspiration to us all.’

Prof. Saxena's career is a testament to his pursuit of excellence, innovation, and global reach. After obtaining his medical education in Hungary at the University of Pécs Faculty of Medicine, from which he graduated with distinction, he specialised in paediatric surgery at the University of Münster in Germany, where he continued to refine his skills and embarked on a path of innovative research and clinical practice.

His contribution to the field of paediatric surgery is extensive and varied. It covers acute surgical procedures for newborn and premature babies, tumour surgery, minimal access surgery, paediatric trauma treatment, and more. Prof. Saxena's expertise in areas such as congenital pathology surgery, chest wall deformities, and gastrointestinal endoscopy has set new standards in paediatric surgical care. From 2021 to 2023, he served as President of the European Paediatric Surgeons' Association (EUPSA) and contributed greatly to shaping the future of the field.

Prof. Saxena's connection with RSU has developed over the course of many years. The experienced and world-renowned paediatric surgeon from the UK has visited Latvia numerous times, providing invaluable guidance and support to our academic community. Especially significant is his supervision of Mohit Kakar's doctoral thesis Clinical, Molecular Biological, and Microbiological Integrated Investigation in the Case of Paediatric Acute Complicated and Uncomplicated Appendicitis that was submitted to RSU in 2023. The professor's advice and expertise have greatly enriched the University’s research capabilities and academic excellence.

RSU has awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa since 26 June 1990, when the University's Science Council adopted this decree. To date, more than 70 RSU Honorary Doctors have received this title, including former Presidents Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Valdis Zatlers, as well as philanthropists Vilis Vītols, Boriss and Ināra Teterevs, Egils Gulbis and others. The title of Honorary Doctor is awarded by the University Senate for outstanding achievements and significant contribution to the development of Latvia and RSU.