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The Annual Awards of the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) are awarded in recognition of the academic or other achievements to RSU students, young researchers, employees and structural units. The Awards have been presented since 2002.

Regulations of the RSU Annual Awards

The RSU Annual Awards are presented in the following categories:

  • Student of the Year,
  • Master's Student of the Year,
  • Doctoral Student of the Year,
  • Resident of the Year,
  • Lecturer of the Year,
  • Researcher of the Year,
  • Structural Unit of the Year,
  • Administrative Employee of the Year,
  • Lifetime Achievement Award.

Winners of the RSU Annual Awards

  • Student of the Year – Laura Līpenīte, 6th year, Medicine programme.
  • Master’s Student of the Year – Linda Muižniece-Slesare, 2nd year, Art Therapy programme.
  • Resident of the Year – Māris Lapšovs, 1st year medical resident, Residency in Medicine programme, cardiology speciality.
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – Ance Bārzdiņa, 1st year, Health Care programme, Pharmacy sub-programme. 
  • Lecturer of the Year – Aina Semjonova, Acting Assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy. 
  • Researcher of the Year – Dace Zavadska, Professor at the Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine.
  • This year, as two units received the same number of votes, the annual award for Structural Unit of the Year went to the Medical Educational Technology Centre (METC) and the RSU Anatomy Museum
  • Employee of the Year – Andreta Slavinska, Deputy Director of the RSU METC. 
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Ilga Urtāne, Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Dentistry. 




2020 and 2021

The RSU Annual Awards were not presented in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



  • Student of the Year – Rihards Pēteris Ročāns, a 4th year student in the study programme Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine.
  • International Student of the Year Johannes Georg Steibl, a 5th year student in the study programme Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine. 
  • Master's Student of the Year Austris Keišs, a 2nd year student of the study programme Regional Politics and Public Administration in the Faculty of European Studies.
  • Doctoral Student of the Year Davide Borroni, a 3rd year Doctoral student in the study programme Medicine
  • Resident of the Year Olga Zemļanuhina, a 4th year resident in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education. 
  • Researcher of the Year – Oskars Kalējs, professor at the Department of Internal Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Lecturer of the Year – Kristīne Blumfelde-Rutka (in social sciences), lecturer in the Faculty of European Studies, and Ilze Štrumfa (medicine and healthcare), professor in the Faculty of Medicine and head of the Department of Pathology.
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Matīss Sīlis, Manager of the Centre for Educational Growth.


  • Student of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine, Dmitrijs Rots
  • International Student of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Dentistry, Amanpreet Singh Grewal
  • Master's Student of the Year – 2nd year student in the study programme International Marketing and Business Administration, Anastasija Tjarve-Zimacka
  • Resident of the Year – 3rd year resident in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education in the speciality Psychiatrist, Liene Bērze
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – 2nd year doctoral student in the study programme Medicine, Vita Skuja
  • Lecturer of the Year – Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Microbiology, Rudīte Koka
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Asja Lunga
  • Academic Structural Unit of the Year –  the Young Medical Students' Academy
  • Scientific Structural Unit of the Year the Institute of Stomatology
  • Administrative Structural Unit of the Year the library
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Professor Ivars Siliņš


  • Student of the Year – 6th year student in the study programme Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Dana Kigitoviča
  • International Student of the Year – 4th year student in the study programme Medicine  of the Faculty of Medicine, Linda Veith Sanches
  • Master’s Student of the Year – 2nd year student in the Master’s study programme Business and Law in the European Union of the Faculty of European Studies, Baiba Jakobsone
  • Resident of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Arta Spridzāne
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – 3rd year doctoral student in the doctoral study programme Medicine of the Department of Doctoral Studies, Vita Začesta
  • Researcher of the Year – professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Maija Dambrova
  • Lecturer of the Year – lecturer in the Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medicine, Maija Rumaka
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Director of the Finance Department, Andulis Priednieks
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Professor Ivans Zagorskis




  • Student of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Kārlis Rācenis
  • International Student of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Medicine, Wasifa Butt
  • Master’s Student of the Year – 2nd year student in the Master’s study programme Clinical Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aleksandra Aitullina
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – 3rd year doctoral student in the study programme Pharmacy of the Department of Doctoral Studies, Marina Makrecka-Kūka
  • Resident of the Year – 4th year resident in the speciality Diagnostic Radiologist in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Irina Rjabceva
  • Researcher of the Year – principal researcher and head of the Andrology Laboratory, Juris Ērenpreiss
  • Lecturer of the Year – Assistant Professor of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Silvija Umbraško
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Director of the RSU Research Department, Uldis Berķis
  • Academic Structural Unit of the Year – The Department of Internal Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine
  • Scientific Structural Unit of the Year – Augusts Kirhenšteins Institute of Microbiology and Virology
  • Administrative Structural Unit of the Year – The Finance Department
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Professor Uldis Teibe


  • Student of the Year – 5th year student in the study programme Pharmacy of the Faculty of Medicine, Anna Šaļapina
  • International Student of the Year – 6th year student in the study programme Medicine, Kirsten Ytreland
  • Master’s Student of the Year – 2nd year student in the Master’s study programme International Relations of the Faculty of European Studies, Valda Pastare
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – 3rd year doctoral student in the study programme Medicine of the Department of Doctoral Studies, Aleksandrs Derjabo
  • Resident of the Year – 4th year resident in the speciality Psychiatrist in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Ņikita Bezborodovs
  • Researcher of the Year – RSU graduate, Elīna Škapare
  • Lecturer of the Year – professor of the Faculty of European Studies, Andris Sprūds
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Head of the Public Relations Unit of the RSU Communication Department, Edijs Šauers
  • Academic Structural Unit of the Year – Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Scientific Structural Unit of the Year – Institute of the History of Medicine
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Professor Vija Eniņa


  • Student of the Year – 4th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, Klāvs Truševskis
  • International Student of the Year – 5th year student, Massensen Izem Ayati
  • Master’s Student of the Year – 2nd year student in the study programme International Relations of the Faculty of European Studies, Diāna Potjomkina
  • Resident of the Year – resident in the speciality Rheumatologist in the study programme Residency in Medicine of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Anna Mihailova
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – 3rd year doctoral student in the doctoral study programme Medicine, Arnis Āboliņš
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Director of the Development and Project Department, Ingrīda Kalviņa
  • Researcher of the Year – Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Microbiology, Edvīns Miklaševičs
  • Lecturer of the Year – Assistant Professor of the Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry, Leons Blumfelds
  • Scientific Structural Unit of the Year – The Institute of Oncology
  • Academic Structural Unit of the Year – Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and Dept. of Communication Studies
  • Administrative Structural Unit of the Year – Student Services
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Professor Jānis Gaujēns


  • Academic Structural Unit of the Year – Department of Pathology
  • Scientific Structural Unit of the Year – Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
  • Administrative Structural Unit of the Year – The International Department
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Vilma Skujiņa


  • Student of the Year – Sarmīte Rūtiņa-Rūtenberga
  • Master’s Student of the Year – Sergejs Viškovskis
  • Resident of the Year – Andrejs Derovs
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – Jeļena Reste
  • Administrative Award – Aijai Gulbei
  • Academic Staff Award – Department of Morphology
  • Science Award – Modrai Murovskai
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Ausmai Šaško
  • Researcher of the Year – Professor of the Scientific Laboratory of Biomechanics at the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Vladimirs Kasjanovs
  • Administrative Employee of the Year – Dainuvīte Vītola, Head of the Division of Postgraduate Courses
  • Lecturer of the Year – Vita Nagliņa, teacher of one of the Chemistry courses in the Division of Postgraduate Courses
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – young paediatrician, Dace Zavadska
  • Resident of the YearInga Melbārde-Gorkuša, a 5th year resident in the speciality Surgery
  • Master’s Student of the Year – Mārtiņš Daugulis, a student in the study programme International Relations of the Faculty of European Studies,
  • Student of the Year Kristīne Zivtiņa, a 6th year student of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Annual Student Council Award Jānis Bernāts, the rector’s counsellor on legal matters


  • Annual Research Award – Laboratory of Biochemistry team and its head, Andrejs Šķesters
  • Annual Academic Staff Award – the Language Centre
  • Annual Administrative Staff Award – Benita Kukleja
  • Student of the Year – Andrejs Ivanovs
  • Master’s Student of the Year – Una Aleksandra Bērziņa
  • Resident of the Year – Jana Pavāre, resident in the speciality Paediatric Pulmonologist
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – Ainārs Stepens
  • Annual Student Council Award - Ligita Lūka, the accountant of the Higher Education Fund
  • The Dean’s Acknowledgement Award for excellent academic performance, active research and community work - Jasantha Kodithuwakku
  • Student of the Year – Līga Dermaka
  • Resident of the Year Dace Zavadska
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – Jānis Jušinskis
  • Student of the Year Valdis Pirsko
  • Resident of the Year Anda Kadiša
  • Doctoral Student of the Year Signe Tomsone
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – Ausmai Matusēvičai
  • Students of the Year Reinis Vilšķērsts (Faculty of Pharmacy), Zanda Raiskuma (Faculty of European Studies) and Gouthami Gangadharan (Faculty of Stomatology)
  • Resident of the YearSolvita Selderiņa
  • Doctoral Student of the Year – Arvīds Irmejs

Best Final Year Students:

  • Kaspars Stāmers (Faculty of Stomatology)
  • Jūlija Jeganova (Faculty of European Studies)
  • Inta Macāne (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
  • Gowry Kathirawetpillai (Faculty of Medicine)

Students of the Year:

  • Andra Dērveniece (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
  • Aleksejs Kontijevskis (Faculty of Pharmacy)
  • Oskars Cēris (Institute of European Integration)