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For Students

Albert Einstein, considered by many to be the most prominent scientist of the 20th century, made his brilliant discoveries while working at the Swiss Patent Office. RSU lecturer Ligita Landzmane from the Startup Entrepreneurship programme organised a study trip to the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia on 20 November.

‘We did not meet Einstein, but we gained a lot of really valuable insights visiting the Intellectual Property Information Centre,’ Landzmane explained. The visit not only gave studnets new knowledge to use in their course on start-up patent law, but also practical recommendations given to the students by senior expert Elīna Veļa. Students will be able to use her advice starting businesses during their studies, as well as when they prepare and register inventions.


RSU students at the Patent Office

Second-year students of the Startup Business Management program represented themselves and RSU well during the study trip. Students’ questions, replies, and active engagement in the discussion alternated with an interesting, engaging narration by the patent office’s employees. 

At the end of the visit, RSU students and lecturers were invited to use the resources of the Patent Office Library and other facilities both for their studies as well as their private needs. Employees of the Patent Office informed students that they had already visited RSU with an exhibition about inventions, but, considering the growing interest in patents, trademarks, and design, and the arrival of new students at the university, they offered to re-host the exhibition.

We express our gratitude to the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia, and especially to Elīna Veļa, Senior Expert of the Information Services Department of the Intellectual Property Information Centre, for their kind welcome, the new knowledge, and the time they dedicated to RSU students! We would also like to thank lead expert of the department Santa Lozda.


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