ContactsPharmaceutical Education and Research CentreRiga, 21 Konsula ielaE-mail: agnija.kivrane@rsu.lvView mapRelated news A year of growth: Advancing study programmes and research at the Faculty of Health and Sports SciencesConsolidation, Anniversaries You have to love numbers! Anniversary conversation with Record Keeper for Educational Work Elita ZvidriņaFor RSU Employees, Anniversaries, RSU History RSU Alumni Association elects new boardRSU Alumni Anniversary interview with Prof. Ardis Platkājis: on radiology, medical innovations, students, and sportsResearchers Up Close, For RSU Employees, Anniversaries RSU Museum of Anatomy invites you to the opening of Laimdota Malle's exhibition - Meet the artist!For Students, For RSU Employees, RSU Alumni, ExhibitionsColleaguesProf. Dr. pharm. Dace BandereDean, Acting Dean, Academic Staff, Manager, Health Care doctoral programme, Pharmacy sub-programmeProf. Renāte RankaAcademic Staff, Tenured Professor, Acting Lead ResearcherAssoc. Prof. Baiba MauriņaVice-Dean, Director of Study Programme, Director of Study Programme, Head of Department, Academic StaffAsst. Prof. Agnese BranguleTutor, Scientific Project Manager Patrīcija SpalveLab resource specialist Renāte TeterovskaPlant Project Manager, Acting Researcher Inga GūtmaneDirector of Study Programme Andželika SemjonovaManager, Dean's Office, Clerk Viktorija UlanovaActing Researcher, Tutor Valentyn MohylyukVisiting Lead Researcher, Visiting Lead Researcher