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The RSU Faculty of Social Sciences invites you to a guest lecture on Philippine Foreign Policy by Maria Elena Algabre, Assistant Secretary for European Affairs at the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines.

This lecture will provide an opportunity to learn more about the Philippines' foreign policy priorities in Europe, the role of the Philippine state in the international arena, as well as to discuss current foreign policy developments. The lecture is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences visiting lecturer programme, which provides students with regular face-to-face meetings with policy makers (politicians), executive representatives and sectoral experts from various national and international institutions.

The Philippines was one of the first countries in Asia to recognise Latvia's independence in 1991. Relations between the two countries remain positive and constructive. Political dialogue is mainly conducted through cooperation and meetings within international organisations. Since 2018, the EU and the Philippines have concluded a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the Philippines are ongoing.

Lecture language - English, duration - 60 min.

The lecture will take place on 27 May 2024 at 13:00 in the RSU Senate Hall (16 Dzirciema iela).

All interested are welcome!


Senate Hall

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