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Who hasn’t wanted to create a unique product that takes the world by storm and makes its creator famous? The Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) business incubator B-Space offers ambitious people the opportunity to develop their idea and conquer, if not the world, then at least first the country.

One of these ambitious rising entrepreneurs is Jānis Freivalds, project manager at the RSU Innovation Centre. He has created Tibicos, a drink that is not yet on the market and is good for everyone’s health. We met with Jānis to find out more about the new product.


How did the idea for the drink come about?

The idea came to me in Cēsis, when I tasted a delicious kombucha in a café. It was really unique and different from anything I had tried before. I had previous experience with brewing and it got me thinking: why not try making something like that myself? Together with my business partner and spouse Arzu Algulieva, we realised that there was an opportunity in the market because there was almost no competition, and this motivated us to develop the idea further.

We wanted to create a drink that was not only tasty, but also healthy and accessible to a wide range of people.

How did you develop the drink?

First, we joined the RSU business incubator B-Space where we started developing our idea. We did market research and realised that there is nothing similar to our drink on the Baltic market.

We did a lot of experimenting to find the right ingredients and proportions to ensure good flavour and real health benefits.

We are currently drawing up a production plan and studying how to improve the product. We are also consulting experts to ensure that our drink meets the requirements and standards for health and safety.

How did B-Space contribute to the process?

B-Space contributed to the development of the product in a profound and diverse way. As well as providing students and rising entrepreneurs with access to modern knowledge and research resources, the University also fosters creativity and innovation, which are important to developing new products. The incubator offers a structure where budding entrepreneurs can receive mentoring from experienced experts who help them understand market requirements and develop effective business strategies.

The incubator fosters collaboration between students, researchers, and entrepreneurs, creating an environment where new ideas and innovations can develop.

This collaboration is particularly important as it creates an environment where the knowledge and expertise from different sectors can be pooled. This can lead to unique and competitive products. RSU and B-Space not only contribute by supporting individual projects, but also helps them have a wider impact on the business environment in Latvia, promoting innovation and economic growth.

How is this drink healthy?

The drink improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. For example, it is ideal for people with stomach ulcers and lactose intolerance as it does not contain any undesirable ingredients for these consumers.

We use natural ingredients that are good for your health, such as lactic acid bacteria and yeasts that help improve digestion. The aim is to create a drink that not only tastes good, but also boosts health. We will continue to develop this product to make it accessible to a wider audience. At the same time, we want to educate people about the health benefits of fermented products.


A kombucha scoby in a jar

How does your knowledge and experience help you to develop this drink?

I am a molecular biologist with a doctoral degree. I have worked in research, specialising in studying microorganisms.

My education and experience has been essential in developing the drink as it allows me to understand and control the microbiological processes that are essential to create a healthy product of high quality.

My past experience with microorganisms has led to the development of a drink that contains probiotics that are essential for health. The knowledge we have gained during our research about the microbiome and its impact on the human body has allowed us to develop a drink that is not only tasty, but also aids digestion. This, in turn, is linked to mental stability. Studies have shown that long-term digestive disorders can even lead to mental illness.

What are your future plans for this drink?

We plan to expand our product range, offering a variety of flavours and ingredients to meet consumer preferences.

We will explore opportunities to work with local producers, to use local ingredients and in this way support the local economy.

Our aim is not only to create a healthy drink, but also to promote sustainable production and consumption.