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International Cooperation

The first SHARE Conference on Health, Ageing and Retirement in the Baltic Sea Region took place in Helsinki, Finland, in the last week of August this year. The conference brought together participants from the Baltic and Nordic countries and was jointly organised by SHARE teams from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.

Latvia was represented by four RSU researchers: PhD student Madara Miķelsone presented a comparative analysis of healthy ageing in the Baltic and Nordic countries; Olga Rajevska gave an insight into people's expectations of retirement in the Baltic States; Ieva Reine analysed loneliness and social isolation among older people in Latvia and Iceland during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of her postdoctoral research grant, Aija Bukova-Žideļūna investigated the association between frailty and the use of multiple daily medications in the European elderly population.


The four researchers from RSU at the conference

SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) is an international research study that provides information on the impact of health, social, economic, demographic and policy factors on ageing by surveying people aged 50 and over in 28 countries.