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About Study Course

Department: Statistics Unit
Course supervisor:Silva Seņkāne
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Psychology
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:Mathematics; Theory of probability and mathematical statistics


Introduction with basic data processing, statistical methods and its use, develop the ability to process and analyze the data obtained in a psychological research and interpret the results.


General psychology, secondary level knowledge and mathematics and informatics.

Learning outcomes


1.Students define mathematical statistics basic concepts, recognize the formulas, describe mathematical statistics techniques and methods, name and describe data analysis basic principles in program SPSS.


1.Students can process data and analyze statistical indicators, make correct conclusions.


1.Students are able to decide the use of appropriate data processing methods in each situation impose to prove hypothesis or research question clarification.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Psychology4BachelorLimited choiceSilva Seņkāne