Impact of COVID-19 on health care system and public health in Latvia; ways in preparing health sector for future epidemics
Consortium 6.5. partners
- Rīga Stradiņš University
- University of Latvia
- BA School of Business and Finance
To promote the preparedness of Latvian health care and public health systems for future epidemics and states of emergency and to learn from experiences gained from the COVID-19 epidemic we’ll carry out epidemiological and public health studies on post-epidemic consequences. This will include psycho-social and behavioral aspects in the general population and certain social groups (children, people of reproductive age, elderly people) and the analysis of continuity and existing algorithms of health care services. The results of this project will contribute to the development of a sustainable approach for the delivery of essential health care and public health services during the present COVID-19 outbreak and in future epidemic events by supporting the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to plan appropriate actions for the management of services during a pandemic.
The project will be implemented through five synergetic and complementary work packages:
- Healthcare continuity
- Mental health and psychological resilience
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Older adults' health
- Children's health
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DOI: 10.5430/jha.v10n4p1 - Surina S, Perepjolkina V, Martinsone K, Vainik U, Ruza A, Vrublevska J, Smirnova D, Rancans E, Kolesnikova J, Fountoulakis K. N. "Factors related to COVID-19 preventive behaviors: A Structural Equation Model". Frontiers in Psychology. (April 2021).
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- Jelena Vrublevska, Anna Sibalova, Ilana Aleskere, Baiba Rezgale, Daria Smirnova, Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis and Elmars Rancans. "Factors related to depression, distress, and self-reported changes in anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Latvia." Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, (May 2021).
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