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ProjectRealisationProject managerProject category
Strengthening transversal competences of low-educated employees concerning their health choices in the context of the changing labour market (LEECH)
Līguma nr.: 2008-3466/001-001
 - prof. Ivars VanadziņšES Programmes
Study of human parvovirus B19, bocavirus and parvovirus 4 involvement in inflammatory neurological diseases using an interdisciplinary approach
Līguma nr.: LV-LT-TW/2016/13
 - Modra MurovskaOther
Study of life-threatening infections in children by improving early diagnosis using modern diagnostic methods, developing and introducing new action algorithms that are compatible with the healthcare system in Latvia
Līguma nr.: 23011801
 - prof. Dace GardovskaVPP turpinājumam
Study of new biomarkers in calcified aortic valve stenosis
Līguma nr.: 23011005
 - prof. Vitolds MackēvičsProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Study of the causes of genetic ethology of preterm birth in women with istmocervical insufficiency using the next generation sequencing technology
Līguma nr.: 23010701
 - Anna MiskovaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Study of the degree/structure of PSA, PSMA and TCERG1L DNA methylation in cancer and non-cancer cell lines
Līguma nr.: 132311
 - Dr.biol. Mihails BariševsProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Study of the effect of Oct4 DNA methylation degree/methylation patterns and the level of Oct4 isoforms expression on identification of the prostate cancer aggressiveness
Līguma nr.: 132304
 - Dr.biol. Mihails BariševsRSU grants 2019-2020
Study on the antibacterial effect of biomaterials impregnated with baacteriophages - prof. Juta KroičaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Study on the antibacterial effect of biomaterials impregnated with baacteriophages
Līguma nr.: 46-23/5/2021
 - Viktorija ĶēniņaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2021
Subpopulation heterogeneitY and MicroenvironMental Engagement as predictors for Treatment Resistance in lYmphoma (SYMMETRY)
Līguma nr.: ES RTD/2022/19
 - prof., PhD Ilze ŠtrumfaES Programmes
Support for doctoral and postdoctoral research in medical sciences
Līguma nr.: 2004/0005/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/NP/
 - prof. Iveta OzolantaEU Structural Funds
Support for Doctoral Students in Acquiring Study Programme and Acquisition of the Scientific Degree in Rīga Stradiņš University (II)
Līguma nr.: 2011/0056/1DP/
 - Sarmīte ZeireEU Structural Funds
Support for Doctoral Students in Acquiring the Study Programme and Acquisition of the Scientific Degree at Rīga Stradiņš University (Stage One)
Līguma nr.: 2009/0147/1DP/
 - Sandra VasiļevskaEU Structural Funds
Support for involving doctoral students in scientific research and studies
Līguma nr.:
 - Santa BartuševičaEU Structural Funds
Support for meeting the requirements set for EQAR agency
Līguma nr.:
 - Dagnija BriedeEU Structural Funds
Support for meeting the requirements set for EQAR agency
Līguma nr.:
 - prof. Dr.habil.paed. Tatjana KoķeEU Structural Funds
Support for Rīga Stradiņš University Master students of Natural Sciences and Health Care (First Round)
Līguma nr.: 2009/0145/1DP/
 - Ieva CipruseEU Structural Funds
Support for Rīga Stradiņš University Master Students of Natural Sciences and Health Care (Stage II)
Līguma nr.: 2011/0016/1DP/
 - Ieva CipruseEU Structural Funds
Support for the implementation of open science in practice, as well as created solutions for science data sharing and participation in the EU open science cloud
Līguma nr.:
 - Karīna Znotiņa, Augstākās izglītības un zinātnes IT koplietošanas pakalpojumu centrs / Higher Education and Science IT Shared Service CentreEU Structural Funds
Support measures for the integration of young people with autism spectrum disorder in the education system
Līguma nr.: 2007/0087/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/3.3.7./0007/0066
 - Inga RutmaneEU Structural Funds