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ProjectRealisationProject managerProject category
Overcoming the crisis in Latvia: economic, social and communication aspects
Līguma nr.: RSU ZP 15/2013
 - Prof. Sergejs KruksRSU Grants
Pathogenicity of human Hepatitis C virus relying on enzymatic properties of viral RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/2-0376
 - Juris JansonsFundamental and applied research programme
Patient safety incident reporting and learning system: ethical and legal perspective
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/18/2022
 - Assoc. Prof. Karina PalkovaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2022
Persistent viral infection involvement in immune system modulation and in the development of systemic autoimmune diseases.
Līguma nr.: 132303
 -  Modra MurovskaVPP turpinājumam
Personalised cancer diagnosis and determination of treatment efficiency
Līguma nr.: 23011201
 - Prof. Jānis GardovskisVPP turpinājumam
Personalised Risk Assessment in Febrile Illness to Optimise Real-life Management across the European Union (PERFORM)
Līguma nr.: 668303
 - Prof. Dace ZavadskaES Programmes
Pharmacogenomics of drug resistant tuberculosis
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/25/2022
 - Prof. Renāte RankaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2022
Pharmacy research infrastructure development at Rīga Stradiņš University
Līguma nr.:
 -  Mārtiņš MenniksEU Structural Funds
Phytochemical compounds in fruits of Viburnum opulus L. genotypes can improve the results of drug treatment in patients with primary arterial hypertension
Līguma nr.: 13131101
 - Assoc. Prof. Andrejs ŠķestersProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Pilot study: newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/2-0275
 - Assoc. Prof. Madara AuzenbahaFundamental and applied research programme
PRecisiOn medicine in CAD patients: artificial intelliGence for integRated gEnomic, functional and anatomical aSSessment of the coronary collateral circulation (PROGRESS)
Līguma nr.: ES RTD/2021/3
 -  Baiba VilneES Programmes
Predictive test for the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy in oncologic patients
Līguma nr.: 2013/0047/1DP/
 - Prof. Edvīns MiklaševičsEU Structural Funds
Predominantly primary antibody deficiencies among adults: solving etiology and causes of clinical variability
Līguma nr.: lzp-2020/1-0269
 - Prof. Nataļja KurjāneFundamental and applied research programme
Preparatory visit for implementation of the project “Acute respiratory distress syndrome in Latvia and Norway: ethology, pathogenesis, incidence, treatment and outcome”
Līguma nr.: NOR-R-PV/2013/009
 - Assoc. Prof. Agnese OzoliņaEEA and Norway Grants
Preparatory visit for strengthening of the partnership and development of project application “Bilateral Research Cooperation in the Field of Migration and Economy of Latvian and Norwegian Researchers”
Līguma nr.: NOR-R-PV/2013/021
 - Assoc. Prof. Klāvs SedlenieksEEA and Norway Grants
Preparatory visit to strengthen the partnership and development of the project “Assessment of the effect of less studied work environment risk factors on the physical and mental health of office employees”
Līguma nr.: NOR-R-PV/2013/042
 - Prof. Ivars VanadziņšEEA and Norway Grants
Preparatory work for experience exchange visit of teaching staff of RSU Faculty of Dentistry to the University of Tromsø
Līguma nr.: LLP-LdV-PV-2007-LV-429
 - Rita Kundziņa, docenteES Programmes
PREVENT IT | Risk Management and Prevention of Antibiotics Resistance
Līguma nr.: 2018-3056 | 598515-EPP-1-2018-IN EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
 - Lect. Elīna Vrobļevska
Prolonged hypoxia induced differential protein signatures in BRCA1 +/- triple negative breast cancer cell lines
Līguma nr.: 2019/2
 - Prof. Zanda DanebergaOther
Promotion of healthy ageing, welfare and social security
Līguma nr.: EEA-GRANT-205
 - Ivars Baltus,  Ieva ReineEEA and Norway Grants