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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:20 / 30
Course supervisor:Ivans Jānis Mihailovs
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Law; State's Rights


Improve theoretical knowledge of administrative law and administrative procedure law; identify current problems of the aforementioned sub-branches of law science and propose possible solutions thereof; be able to apply the latest findings in practice: in scientific research, academic and practical activities.


Legal Policy, Methodology for Scientific Research.

Learning outcomes


Students have in-depth knowledge of the topicalities of the administrative and legal science, are familiar with the development trends, key theoretical and practical problems and the latest findings in the legal doctrine.


Students use the most up-to-date administrative and legal expertise in research, are able to interpret legal provisions and follow the case law.


Students are able to address problems and draw up a research paper in the field of administrative law and administrative procedure.