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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Lilija Antoņēviča
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


Acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in clinical care. To develop understanding of rehabilitation principles and their application in nursing practice.


General Pathology, Pathological Physiology, Anatomy, Microbiology with Virology and Parasitology.

Learning outcomes


The student will know the aims, indications and contraindications of the manipulations included in the study course. The student will know the stages of manipulations included in the study course.


Student is able to successfully demonstrate manipulations on the mannikin.


The ability to provide the patient with the best possible level of comfort and a safe environment. Ability to administer medications and remedies. Ability to perform wound care. Ability to assess and ensure patient oxygenation. Ability to provide fluid and nutritional intake to the patient. Ability to provide clinical procedures for elimination processes. Ability to prepare and participate in the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of patients and participate in their implementation. Ability to provide patient mobilization.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nursing Studies, MZF3Bachelor’sRequiredDina Berloviene, Anita Znotiņa, Inta Višņevska, Evija Melbārde, Lilija Antoņēviča, Ineta Raudova, Inguna Leite, Ailī Horna-Butkeviča
Nursing Studies, LFMZFb3Bachelor’sRequiredDina Berloviene, Anita Znotiņa, Inta Višņevska, Evija Melbārde, Lilija Antoņēviča, Ineta Raudova, Inguna Leite, Ailī Horna-Butkeviča