Work experience
2013 - Present | Acting AssistantFaculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, Department of Nursing and Midwifery - Study lesson organization of examinations; |
2008 - Present | Hospital vice nursePauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital - Evaluates patient care outcomes |
2008 - Present | NurseClinical University Hospital "Gailezers" Microsurgery Department - to Provide emergency medical assistance- Ensure that the designated surgical procedures have been fulfilled in hospitalized and outpatients;- Ensure accurate and safe medication receipt hospitalized and ambulatory patients |
1998 - 2008 | Main sisterClinical University Hospital "Gailezers" Microsurgery Department - Ensure accurate medication receipt, storage and write-offs;- Assess patient care outcomes;- Manage the care team. |
1997 - 1998 | NurseClinical University Hospital "Gailezers" Microsurgery Department - to Provide emergency medical assistance- Ensure that the designated surgical procedures have been fulfilled in hospitalized and outpatients;- Ensure accurate and safe medication receipt hospitalized and ambulatory patients. |
1988 - 1997 | Nurse-Clinical University Hospital "Gailezers" Pulmonology Department - to Provide emergency medical assistance - Ensure accurate and safe medication receipt hospitalized and ambulatory patients. |
1987 - 1988 | Nurse assistantClinical University Hospital "Gailezers" Pulmonology Department Patient care. |
Education and training
2007 - 2009 | Master's degree in Health CareRīga Stradiņš University Main subjects |
2001 - 2004 | Nure`s DiplomaRīga Stradiņš University Main subjects: |
1986 - 1988 | Qualified nurseRiga 5 nursing school Main subjects: |
Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade
- Conference RSU "Sister and midwife – health care system change momentum", 2016, May, 13.;
- Courses VSIA "Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital" "Transfusiological Basics", 2016, February, 3.;
- Presence "VII Latvian Gastroenterology Congress with International partipation", 2015, December 5
- Presence "2nd Baltic International capsule Endoscppy workshop", 2015, Decembrer, 5.;
- Presentation VSIA "Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital" Conference "Spotlight Traumatology profile patient care" with "Replantation lecture. Perioperative care", 2015, November, 20.;
- International Conference "Qualitative health care. In Latvia and Europe", 2013, October, 31. The WHO European Regional Office of the Patient Ombudsman, the LR Ministry of Health, RSU and the Latvian Medical Association;
- Congress „Third Latvian nurses, midwives and medical assistants Congress", 2013, September 18.-20., The Latvian Nurses Association;
- Conference „Heart health – the idea of tomorrow!", 2013, April 25. LU P.Stradins Medical College;
- Conference „ Injured patient treatment and care, current events", 2013, April 11. Latvian Nurses Association;
- Conference „Riga Stradins University 12 . scientific Conference", 2013, March 21.-22. Riga Stradins University;
- Conference „Spotlight in neurology and neurosurgery", 2013, March 20, „Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
- Conference „Breast cancer patient care multidisciplinary team", 2012 December 19. „Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
- Courses " Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Hospitals stage", 2012, December 12-14. ESF project: LU P. Stradins Medical College;
- Conference „ Nursing practice topical pulmonology and cardiology ", 2012, March 23, "Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
- Courses „ Practical nurses transfusiology ", 2012, January 5-6. ESF project: LU P. Stradins Medical College;
- Courses „Health care and promotion institutions of staff involved in the education of the current patient rights issues", 2011, November 11-14, ESF project: the Latvian Medical Association;
- Congress „The 5 th Gastroenterology Congress of Latvia", 2011 November 12 Baltic .novembrī.Scandivian Pancreatic Club;
- Congress „XXIII Nordic – Baltic Congress of Cardiology", 2011, June 16-18. European Society of Cardiology;
- Conference „Wound`s management sister in practice", 2011, May 17. „Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
- Conference "Gastroenteroloģija. Dietary role in human life" 2011 May 17, „Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital";
- Courses "Abdominal cavity surgical illness", 2011, February 14-15. Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital
- Courses „Patient care standards of medical education", 2011, January 12-14. ESF project: LU Riga Medical College;
- Conference „Patient Safety, with healthcare associated infection and antimicrobial resistance: new challenges for Europe", 2011, January 13. THE WHO European Regional Office of the Patient Ombudsman, THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA, the Ministry of Health, RATE and the Latvian Medical Association;
- Courses„advanced wound care provision", 2010 December 17 – 18. ESF project: LU Riga Medical College.
- Workshop. „Thrombophilia diagnosis and treatment", 2010 November 30. „Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital" and SIEMENS Osakeyhtio Diagnostic section of the branch;
- Courses„Patient care home", 2010, November 26-28, THE ESF project implementer: LU Riga medical college;
- Conference „Endoscopy treatment options for the preparation of the patient liver transplantation", 2010, May 21;
Field of research
Pacientu care surgery.
Infection control.
Head of the study programme
Rīga Stradiņš University, professional Bachelor's study programme
General Surgery and Patient Care
Infection Control in Patient care
Maxillofacial Surgery and Patient Care. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Patient Care
Placement (Basic Speciality of Internal Care Nurse)
Placement of Clinical Care
Supervised study course
Cardiology and Patient Care
General Surgery and Patient Care
Infection Control in Patient care
Internal Nursing Specialization Module
Maxillofacial Surgery and Patient Care. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Patient Care
Neurology and Patient Care. Nephrology and Patient Care.
Oncology, Hematology and Patient Care
Placement (Basic Speciality of Internal Care Nurse)
Placement (in Basic Specialty of Internal Medicine Nurse)
Placement of Clinical Care
Rrheumatology and Patient Care. Infections and Patient Care.
Basics of Clinical Care
Lectured study course
Basics of Clinical Care
Clinical Care
General Surgery and Patient Care
Infection Control in Patient Care
Internal Diseases and Patient Care I
Maxillofacial Surgery and Patient Care Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Patient Care
Maxillofacial Surgery and Patient Care. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Patient Care
Oral Surgery
Placement of Clinical Care
Primary Health Care (in Practice, at Home)
Topical Problems in Care
Supervised and reviewed student research papers
Bachelor's theses:12
qualification papers: 5
Master's theses: 1
Bachelor's theses:14
qualification papers: 6
Standard "Surgical nurse" Latvian educational classifications (code No 44), THE EQF level 6. the knowledge, skills and competence development in .2011. (RSU).
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia and the European Social Fund project « Health care and health promotion process the institutions involved in the training of industry personnel for sustainable development » training material development "modern wound care provision", 2010.
Support the development of training material for "The methodological standards of care medical education and practice", in 2010.
Diana Platace, Ilze Klava, Lilija Antonevica,
Aigars Reinis, Valentina Kuznecova, Juta Kroica, Inga Millere
The Study of the Risk Factors of Health Care - Associated
Infections in Patients' Care with Invasive Devices
(pēc iepriekšēja pieraksta)
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