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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Uģis Kārlis Sprūdžs
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Health Management; Public Health
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


Acquire in-depth knowledge, understanding, and skills in specific methods of mathematical statistics and recently developed data science techniques for academic use and work in Public Health; also to promote the learning of data science terminology and its practical applications


Research methods, basic statistics, preferably a mathematical understanding of logarithms and differentiation, computer literacy

Learning outcomes


1.Upon successfully completing the course students will:
Understand time series analysis terminology and its implementation;
Be familiar with time series analysis functionality in the OxMetrics package;
Learn learn how to formulate, develop, and implement predictive classification models using the KNIME platform


1.Upon successfully completing the course students will
* Know how to open, create, and manipulate time series data in OxMetrics
* Using OxMetrics, know how to prepare a proper descriptive univariate time series model
* Using OxMetrics, know how to prepare a proper descriptive multivariate time series model
* Using KNIME, know how to open data sets and prepare data for the development of predictive classification models
* Know how to set up and execute a predictive model in KNIME
* Know how to evaluate a predictive model in KNIME
* Using KNIME, know how to identify the major drivers of a predictive model and their effect on the target variable
* Know how to explain the implementation and monitoring of a classification model
* Know how to summarize the methods taught in the course and their outcomes


1.Upon successfully completing the course students will
Correctly interpret and evaluate applications of time series models in the Public Health field;
Using Public Health data, plan, develop, and evaluate a predictive classification model

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Public Health3Master'sLimited choice