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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Karina Palkova
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work; Social Anthropology; Communication Science; Sociology; Juridical Science; Management Science; Political Science
Language:English, Latvian
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Law


Doctoral student's knowledge in the field and sub-field defined by the programme, to strengthen the set of knowledge and skills corresponding to the educational programme by developing scientific research.


Mandatory study courses in the doctoral study programme "Social Sciences" and courses in specialisation, knowledge in the field of the doctoral thesis (problematics and topicality).

Learning outcomes


Analyse and describe the developmental trends and regularities of modern social sciences. Define the problems of a certain topic in writing. Analyse, explain and describe in an integrated way a specific topic of social sciences orally. Doctoral students are able to demonstrate their understanding of the most current theories and concepts in sub-fields. Doctoral students can demonstrate their knowledge of theoretical guidelines and modern research methods related to the area of their doctoral thesis.


Doctoral students are able to independently assess the effectiveness of the use of different theories and research methods, they can critically evaluate results of a comparative analysis of different theories, create their own scientifically-based judgement, propose new theoretical and practical solutions and discuss scientific activities in the chosen area of studies.


Doctoral students are able to solve problems and conduct independent and critical analysis related to social science field /sub-field science, as well as to apply an innovative approach in dealing with subject-related issues.
Discuss in a reasoned way both in writing and orally the modern achievements of the science in the sector and outlines the concept of own work and discusses it in accordance with the requirements of modern social science.

Study course planning