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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Ņikita Horoševs
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Medical Services
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:Biomechanics; Medical engineering


To promote the acquisition of knowledge and forming of understanding of the analysis of human posture and movement, the forces acting on the human body, motor control theory, the basic principles of normal motor development in children and how to use this in drawing up an exercise programme.


At the level of secondary education.

Learning outcomes


1.As a result of completing the study course, the student will be able to define the concepts of kinematics and statics, name and identify body movements and positions, describe the principles of analysis thereof, joint positions, range of joint motion and measurement thereof, kinematic chains, forces acting on the human body, levers in the human body, macroscopic and microscopic structure of muscles, basic principles of functioning thereof, sliding filament theory, contraction modes, motor control theory and normal motor development of children, basic principles of human activity analysis and exercise programme design.


1.As a result of completing the study course, the student will be able to analyse human movement and body position, practically determine passive movement and range of motion in the limb joints, demonstrate the progression of human positions, in which to offer maintaining active movement and posture, according to the principles of motor control development.


1.Analysis and synthesis: will be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills to examine the physical functional status of patients and to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy. Evaluation: The student will be able to interpret the results of assessments; to justify the choice of therapeutic measures.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Physiotherapy1BachelorRequiredŅikita Horoševs, Velga Gaļanska, Marika Briede, Liene Glāzere
Physiotherapy 1BachelorRequiredŅikita Horoševs, Velga Gaļanska, Marika Briede, Liene Glāzere