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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Alina Dūdele
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Business Management; Health Management; Management Science; Public Health
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Economics and Business


Learn the principles of health economics and methods for their application in health policy formation and health care organization, as well as gain knowledge about the sources, types and structure of health care financing systems.


Basic knowledge of economics, analytical and graph interpretation skills, knowledge of English.

Learning outcomes


1.• To understand the importance and application of health economics in health policy formation and organization
• Understand the macroeconomic importance of health care
• To learn the application of health economics methods in the analysis and planning of health care processes
• To understand the limiting action of market factors in the field of health care and the formation of the market for health care services
• Understand the formation of demand, supply and prices in the healthcare sector
• Understand the formation of costs, prices and tariffs for health care services
• Learn the principles and types of health care financing and insurance
• To understand the economic aspects of creating payment systems for health care services.


1.• Describe the economic aspects of health systems: resource limitations, efficiency, productivity, etc.
• Apply margin analysis in the planning of health care services.
• Describe the formation of the health care services market, limited competition and those influencing it factors
• Analyze the supply demand-forming factors in health care.
• Analyze and calculate the costs of healthcare services
• Describe the principles of health care financing and insurance
• Describe the principles and methods of procuring healthcare services.


1.• Create a health policy based on the basic principles of health economics
• Introduce the principles of health care in the organization of health care
• Evaluate the economic parameters and efficiency of health systems
• Plan and propose solutions for health care financing
• Choose and apply methods of purchasing healthcare services.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Health Management 1Master'sRequiredOlav Goetz, Alina Dūdele
Health Management1Master'sRequiredOlav Goetz, Alina Dūdele