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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:7 / 10.5
Course supervisor:Māra Pilmane
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Medicine
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Histology and Cytology


1. To deepen the knowledge of cell structure and function.
2. To introduce the student to concepts of principles and basic techniques used in cell biology.
3. To broaden the students' visual analytical experience of cell analysis using structural and ultrastructural approach.
4. To deepen and develop the students' competence of fundamental medical cell biology problems based on analysis of the electron and light microscopy micrographs.
5. To deepen the knowledge of self-managing organizing a proper schedule for work with schemes, special literature, and preparation of presentations.


Cell biology, cytology, it is advisable to study the course at the same time as biochemistry, normal physiology and anatomy.

Learning outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to describe the cell structure of the differentiated body tissue and organs; explain aging changes of structures; distinguish the role of histology in clinical cases. Knowledge includes differences between fields of the subject: general, special and functional; characteristic structures for each of tissue groups and main organs; differences between structures during aging and adaptation processes; morphological research methods and their using for daily clinical work.


The students will be able to:
-identify tissue structures in routinely stained histological slides;
-differentiate main tissue groups in histological schemes;
-work with special literature, record, describe and display prepared histological specimens;
-prepare reports and give presentations on issues of histology.


Students will be able to recognize in the microscope: main tissue groups, structure of the main organs; to evaluate quality, awareness, interactions and localization of the seen tissue structures in histological slides; will be able to document histological slides and to work with special literature and present histological schemes in the subject.

Study course planning

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