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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Jana Duhovska
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


To develop the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes about the art therapy in work with patients (individually in psychiatry, rehabilitation, social care). Create opportunities to learn and apply the art therapy methods and techniques working with different patients (individually in psychiatry, rehabilitation, social work), use basic principles of art therapy theoretical approach, intervention and technical therapeutic process, develop and train skills to plan, manage and analyse process of the art therapy, evaluate and document the results of art therapy.


Professional activity in art therapy, legal bases. Evaluation principles and the process of the art therapy, psychology of the personality and development, experience in individual counselling, Specialization I.

Learning outcomes


1.Students describe reasons for various art therapy methods and techniques, compare different art therapy theoretical approaches to work with a variety of patients in psychiatry, rehabilitation, social care, critically analyse the art therapy process organisation and intervention with different patients, analyse specifics of the process and the differences between children and adults.


1.Students evaluate patients in the context of art therapy. Select an appropriate art therapy theoretical approach to work with a variety of patients in psychiatry, rehabilitation, social care. Create the art treatment plan for an individual patient, taking into account the specificities of patient group, age groups and the potential risks. Integrate art therapy goals in multidisciplinary teamwork. Select and use appropriate art therapy methods, techniques and interventions. Critically analyse and evaluate art therapy process and outcome. Obtain protocols. Develop recommendations. Explain to the patient and/or his or her parents/carers and other professionals the process of art therapy, results and implications on health.


1.Master's students apply art therapy methods, techniques and interventions according to the specifics of the patient group and the goal of art therapy. Organizes and manages the art therapy process. Analyzes the dynamics of the art therapy process and interprets the results of art therapy. Uses art therapy skills and art expression: non-verbal communication, imagery, symbolism and metaphors in the art therapy process. Uses patient reflection and provides feedback on the creative process and outcome. Works in accordance with his professional competence, recognizes his professional limitations and opportunities. Observes professional ethics. Demonstrates an empathetic, respectful and understanding attitude towards patients. Able to self-reflect.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Art Therapy3Master'sRequiredJana Duhovska, Kristīne Vende-Kotova, Anna Šteina