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About Study Course

Department: Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Lilija Antoņēviča
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Nursing Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Health Care


To promote the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of healthcare associated infections, to enhance students' awareness and interest in research in this field, to give students an insight into current research and innovation in the prevention of healthcare associated infections.


Anatomy, Microbiology with Virology and Parasitology, Histology.

Learning outcomes


Will know the key issues of epidemiology and the basics of specific and non-specific prevention of infectious diseases, methods of infection control and their application and provision in outpatient and inpatient healthcare, know principles and solutions of the anti-epidemic regime.


Will be able to apply methods of infection control in outpatient and inpatient care. Will be able to implement measures of the anti-epidemic regime for the health protection and preservation of the personnel and patients of medical institutions. Will acquire the skills to interpret policy documents regarding infection control.


As a result of mastering the subject students develop competence: opportunity to successfully work in the context of infection control, by integrating and using skills, knowledge and attitude appropriate for the situation.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.