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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ludmila Vīksna
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Rehabilitation
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine; Infectious Diseases


Infectious diseases – the main symptoms and syndromes of infectious diseases which are essential in timely diagnosis of diseases are analysed during the study course in terms of quality of life with correspondence to healthy nutrition for patient as part of treatment, rehabilitation and health promotion. To learn about food safety control main aspects and organization in Latvia and EU.


Biology, anatomy, parasitology, physiology, microbiology, internal diseases.

Learning outcomes


Students will be able to classify most common infectious diseases according to etiological factors of food, prevailing symptoms of diseases; will know how to define diagnostic methods of food pathogens verification.


The students will be able to develop individual care plan for a patient for the purpose of treatment and epidemiological activities; to develop individual recommendations for nutrition plan of patient according to their diagnosis.


To apply basic knowledge and skills to communicate successfully with patients, their relatives and medical professionals regarding disease control and prevention and health promotion in case of infectious diseases and to provide patient social care in cooperation with patients, their relatives and medical experts, while respecting patients’ rights and norms of medical ethics; to assume the role of health promoter in the context of specific and non-specific prophylaxis of infectious diseases; to act according to existing legislation in Latvia.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Nutrition, RFU5Bachelor’sRequiredAleksandrs Černušenko, Gunta Stūre, Raimonds Sīmanis, Ilze Ekšteina, Aija Leidere-Reine, Iveta Ozere, Ludmila Vīksna, Sniedze Laivacuma, Anastasija Kozira, Gundars Lācis, Iļja Drjagunovs, Angelika Krūmiņa
Nutrition, RFUN5Bachelor’sRequiredAleksandrs Černušenko, Gunta Stūre, Indra Zeltiņa, Raimonds Sīmanis, Ilze Ekšteina, Aija Leidere-Reine, Iveta Ozere, Ludmila Vīksna, Sniedze Laivacuma, Anastasija Kozira, Gundars Lācis, Iļja Drjagunovs, Angelika Krūmiņa