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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Lelde Metla-Rozentāle
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Communication Science; Information and Communication Science; Juridical Science; Political Science; Social Anthropology
Language:English, Latvian
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:-


The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the theories, methods, and practices of information warfare and propaganda, and their application to international politics and society. To improve critical thinking and the ability to analyze various sources of information, to recognize propaganda techniques and strategies.


In order to successfully complete the course, students are advised to have basic knowledge of international relations, political theory and the operation of mass media. No specific prior knowledge of the specifics of information warfare or propaganda is required.

Learning outcomes


1.Deep understanding of information warfare and propaganda theory.
Knowledge of various propaganda techniques and their use.
Understanding the role and influence of the media in society.


1.Ability to critically analyze media content and recognize propaganda.
Ability to analyze propaganda using a variety of methods.
Ability to develop strategies to prevent information warfare and conduct counter-propaganda.


1.Skills in effective communication and argumentation.
Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
Ability to work in a team through group assignments and project work.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
International Governance and Diplomacy2Master'sLimited choiceElizabete Elīna Vizgunova-Vikmane, Gavin Wilde
Russia and Eurasia Studies2Master'sLimited choiceElizabete Elīna Vizgunova-Vikmane, Gavin Wilde
International Relations and Diplomacy2Master'sLimited choiceElizabete Elīna Vizgunova-Vikmane, Gavin Wilde