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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Ruta Siliņa
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Communication Science
Branch of science:Communication Sciences


To familiarise students with integrated marketing communication (hereinafter – IMC), its nature, elements and interactions for the achievement of a uniform strategic goal; to develop research and critical analysis abilities of students; to promote public presentation skills.


Knowledge about the communication process, its elements and interactions between elements, knowledge and skills in communication planning; skills to conduct research corresponding to the field of social sciences.

Learning outcomes


To know about the IMC concept, elements building it and IMC planning.


To know how to prepare an IMC plan, to select the most appropriate strategy and communication elements, thus creating a single marketing communication message.


To be able to develop organisation marketing for the achievement of the most suitable communicative solutions.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.