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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:3 / 4.5
Course supervisor:Santa Bormane
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Marketing and Advertising
Branch of science:Management; Business Management


To develop understanding of the place and role of advertising in successful operation of companies, the development of an advertising plan, and possibilities for application thereof.


Basics of the Organisation and Management of International Advertising.

Learning outcomes


Understands the development of advertising concepts and how they can be used to achieve company/ organisation goals and increase competitiveness.


Ability to develop a successful draft advertising campaign plan, using various elements to be included in advertising media, press layouts, Internet advertisements, audio, video clips.


Comprehensive understanding of the place and role of advertising in successful operations of an organisation (institution, company). Ability to analyse and, if necessary, make valuable suggestions on how to better address advertising issues in different companies and organisations.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.