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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Giga Abuseridze
Target audience:Juridical Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Law; International Rights


The objective of this course is to give students a comprehensive overview of the world trading system, with in-depth knowledge of selected segments in this increasingly influential branch of international law.
The course will approach the subject through three modules. The first module presents an overview of the world trading system, the GATT/WTO, the dispute settlement mechanism and domestic implementation of international trade obligations. The second module focuses on the three fundamental principles of the WTO - tariff binding, most-favored-nation, and national treatment. The third module looks at recent trends in global trade law and policy in light of new trade deals, Britain’s exit from the EU and USA vs China trade war.


International Law

Learning outcomes


On completion of the study course, a reasonably diligent student should be able to accomplish the following:

1. Understand and successfully use basic WTO legal terminology and concepts;
2. Explain the institutional structure of the WTO and its dispute settlement system;
3. Understand the basic system of WTO rules and exceptions and apply them to concrete factual problems in the world of international trade;
4. Understand the relationship between the GATT and other WTO covered agreements.


On completion of the study course, students should develop their skills as follow:

1. Interpersonal communication skills - mastering WTO legal terminology through exposure, repetition, and use in class/or online format;
2. Technology skills - learning to work with internet and resource databases;
3. Critical thinking - developing the ability to analyze, compare, and criticize different legal approaches to problem solving.


Upon completion of the course students will have the competence to:

1. Demonstrate clear knowledge of the history, institutional structures, and conceptual underpinnings of international trade law;
2. Display an in-depth understanding of the normative content of international trade rules, and of the mechanics of their operation;
3. Critically evaluate the jurisprudence of relevant international dispute resolution bodies, highlighting gaps within the law and shortcomings in its implementation;
4. Understand the ideological, geopolitical and economic contestations at play in international trade law and policy;
5. Use theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the analysis of various situations in international trade.
6. Formulate arguments and counter-arguments in connection with trade disputes;
7. Interpret legal norms.