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About Study Course

Department: Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
Course supervisor:Ilze Maldupa
Study type:Full time
Course level:All levels
Target audience:Dentistry
Language:Latvian, English
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Dentistry


The objective of this study course is to create knowledge, skills, and competencies so that students can find answers to clinical questions using scientific methods, mainly by understanding scientific methodology at a level that allows them to read and critically analyse the scientific literature.


Introduction into Speciality, Biostatistics

Learning outcomes


1.Recognise the principles of the scientific method.
Identify successes and problems of medical science today.
Recognise the concept of Evidence-Based Medicine.
Identify basic clinical-epidemiological research design.
Identify basic research questions.
Differentiate sites with information for patients or professionals.
Identify biomedical search engines for published articles.
Identify the ethical principles of medical research.
Identify the ethical regulations guiding medical research.
Recognise major ethical issues in research.
Recognise study design.


1.Perform a search for medical information on the internet and validate it.
Perform a search for medical research on selected search engines.
Apply criteria for validating medical information on the Internet.
Determine the study design following the methodology described in the publication.


1.This introductory medical research course provides the competencies that allow the student to recognise the role of research in clinical practice and the basic skills for the search and critical evaluation of medical information.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry7All levelsRequiredSergio Andres Uribe Espinoza, Inga Znotiņa, Ilze Maldupa, Daiga Spila, Jūlija Kalniņa, Anda Slaidiņa
Dentistry7All levelsRequiredSergio Andres Uribe Espinoza, Inga Znotiņa, Ilze Maldupa, Daiga Spila, Jūlija Kalniņa, Anda Slaidiņa
Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Dentistry 7All levelsRequiredSergio Andres Uribe Espinoza, Inga Znotiņa, Ilze Maldupa, Daiga Spila, Jūlija Kalniņa, Anda Slaidiņa