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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Nora Jansone-Ratinika
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Sociology; Health Management; Social Welfare and Social Work; Social Anthropology; Juridical Science; Management Science; Political Science; Communication Science
Branch of science:Pedagogy


To provide opportunities for doctoral students to enrich the competence necessary for academic work and career in order to: understand current issues in higher education, pedagogy of higher education institution; and to purposefully implement a student-centered study process.


General knowledge in pedagogy.

Learning outcomes


- Interprets the contexts of higher education experience and development in Latvia and internationally;
- Orients in the principles of theory and practice of student-centered pedagogy;
- Knows how to design a study course focused on study outcome achievement;
- Understands the nature, approaches, and methods of assessment of learning and teaching achievements;


- Analyzes the current pedagogical challenges and development directions in the field of higher education and science;
- Chooses legitimate pedagogical approaches, teaching methods, technologies and technological solutions appropriate to the set pedagogical goal and students' learning needs;
- Integrates the findings of the doctoral research into the modeling of one's pedagogical activity;
- Evaluates the students' learning process, outcomes, and the professional activity of the university lecturer.


- Independently and reasonably propose conceptual solutions for the development of pedagogical innovations in higher education;
- Reasonably critically evaluates one's own and colleagues' pedagogical competence to implement interdisciplinary research and evidence-based pedagogical activity.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.