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About Study Course

Department: Statistics Unit
Credit points / ECTS:20 / 30
Course supervisor:Andrejs Ivanovs
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Life Science
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Mathematics; Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics


To improve students’ understanding of research, for students to acquire practical skills in elaboration of scientific work, expanding and systematising theoretical and practical knowledge, acquiring skills to apply them in research of selected topic, problem formulation, statistical data analysis, interpretation of results, development of valid conclusions and proposals in academic text, as well as in the presentation of key results.


Successfully mastered theoretical courses planned in the programme and defended placement.

Learning outcomes


• The student understands the requirements for the development and implementation of a Master’s thesis.
• During the development of the Master’s thesis, the student improves their knowledge about conducting research, research planning, statistical data processing, analysis of results and presentation of the main conclusions, as well as issues related to the topic chosen for the Master’s thesis.


• Students will acquire skills to conduct independent scientific research:
o To formulate the problematic issue.
o To select and critically evaluate sources of literature on the formulated problematic issue.
o To substantiate the topicality of the research.
o To define the aim and tasks of the research.
o To choose the right methods of statistical analysis of data to achieve the goal.
o To analyse and correctly interpret the results.
o To discuss the results and main conclusions of the research with arguments.
• Students will improve their presentation skills within the framework of defending the topic of the Master’s thesis, preliminary defence and defence of the thesis.


• In the course of elaboration and defence of the Master’s thesis, students acquire competence on how to practically apply theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge for scientific research, are able to independently perform theoretical and practical research in accordance with basic research principles and ethical norms, correctly interpret the results.
• Students improve their competence on research topic issues.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Biostatistics, MFBS4Master’sRequired