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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Liāna Deklava
Study type:Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Study course description Full description, Part-Time
Branch of science:Psychology; Social Psychology


To provide knowledge of mediation as an alternative way of resolving disagreements in the social area. To improve awareness of mediation as a modern and high-quality method for conflict resolution. To develop skills for the use and integration of mediation and its elements in resolution of social issues.


Social psychology, communication psychology

Learning outcomes


Explains the definition of mediation;
Explains the importance of mediation as an alternative method of resolving disagreements;
Describes the guidelines and stages of mediation;
Describes and names the structuring of the mediation process, the progress and basic conditions of the process;
Understands the concepts/terminology used in mediation;
Describes the possibilities, impact and importance of using mediation in social work
Understands the Mediation Law


Able to identify, define, analyse and solve social problems;
Able to find alternative solutions to social problems and to choose an appropriate strategy;
Implements preventive measures to prevent the escalation of the situation;
Able to create ethical and culture-sensitive communication in professional work


Able to identify and resolve conflicts using mediation methods;
Manages the problem-solving process;
Analyses conflict situations in a constructive way;
Understands and analyses the principles of social competence and ethics of the Mediator, their relevance in conflict resolution;
Understands the importance of preventive meditation in social work.

Study course planning

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