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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Course supervisor:Inga Liepiņa
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sports Trainer
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:Health sciences


To provide the opportunity to students to learn (theoretically and practically) diverse outdoor activities, planning, organising, leading them.


Knowledge is required in outdoor activities I, general pedagogy, developmental, social and communication psychology, foundations and didactics of tourism and orienteering, first aid, hygiene, theory of sport, pedagogical improvement in recreation.

Learning outcomes


1.1. The student will know the description of adventure events (adventure education, adventure competitions). Will know the organisation methodology of adventure events (suitable for different contingents, objectives, environment and available resources).
2. Will know the basic principles of provision of food in various recreative activations.
3. Will know what and how to include “survival school” activities in the content of recreative events (creating a shelter in nature without tents; picking berries; picking mushrooms, food from natural products, etc.). Will know about safety while staying in nature.
4. Will know the resources of water tourism in Latvia. Description, organisation methodology of water tourism.


1.5. The student can plan, implement and evaluate the adventure event “Manevrs četratā”. Will be able to work both individually and in a team.
6. The student can plan, implement and evaluate a water tourism hike. Will be able to work both individually and in a team.
7. The student will be able to create a shelter in nature (without tents) – “Night under the stars”.
8. Will be able to plan and provide food in recreative outdoor activities.


1.9. To independently apply knowledge and skills in planning, organising, leading, evaluating an adventure event.
10. To independently apply knowledge and skills in planning, organising, leading, evaluating a water tourism hike.
11. Will be able to see, identify and assess the availability, capacity and sustainability of environmental resources (for adventure competitions, water tourism and other recreative activities).
12. Will be able to express themselves using professional terminology and concepts, communicate (including in English) with the group in outdoor activities organised by students. Will be able to use information and communication technologies, basic ethical principles when organising recreative activities.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports science6BachelorLimited choiceInga Liepiņa, Kalvis Ciekurs
Sports science 8BachelorLimited choiceInga Liepiņa, Kalvis Ciekurs