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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:6 / 9
Course supervisor:Lidija Juļa , Lidija Juļa
Study type:Part-Time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Juridical Science; Civil and Military Defense
Study course descriptionFull description, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law; Police Rights


To combine students’ theoretical knowledge with the latest trends in the field of economic security and to develop their skills in ensuring economic security by linking it to the activities of a specific law enforcement agency. As a result of the placement, the student has strengthened and deepened the knowledge and practical skills acquired during studies in the prevention and combating of economic crime. During and after the placement, the student is able to link theoretical knowledge with the application of practical skills in the field of economic security. The study placement ensures that the student is able to analyse complex cases, solve non-standard situations and find the most appropriate solution in their future professional activity. During the placement the students prepares also individual research task.


Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminal Procedure Law, Administrative Violation Law, Financial Law.

Learning outcomes


- understands the objectives and tasks of the place of placement (law enforcement authority) in preventing and combating economic crime;
- is familiar with the institution’s internal regulatory framework, operational processes and functions related to the prevention and combating of economic crime;
- explains and justifies the tactics and methodology of the law enforcement authority’s operational and investigative activities in preventing and combating economic crime;
- links theoretical knowledge with the activities of the relevant law enforcement authority in preventing and combating economic crime, proves his research knowledges by preparing individual research paper.


- applies theoretical knowledge in assessing the activities on the prevention and combating of economic crime in the place of placement (institution, organisation or system);
- implements preventive measures in at-risk environments and with at-risk individuals;
- selects and applies appropriate analytical tools and methods in the investigation of economic crime and operational work;
- plans, designs and implements specific measures to prevent and combat economic crime.


- follows the changes in the regulatory framework, assesses the compliance of the institution’s internal regulatory framework, processes and methods with changes in the external regulatory framework;
- utilizing theoretical knowledge and employing research methods, analyses and critically reflects on the activities of the relevant law enforcement authority in preventing and combating economic crime;
- draws conclusions and makes proposals to improve the institution’s cooperation and coordination with other bodies, the internal regulatory framework, processes, descriptions of functions, methods and resourcing, drawing on theoretical knowledge and practical experience;
- prepares placement documentation, summarises and assesses the completion of placement objectives and individual research paper, and presents the placement process and results to an audience;
- explains and reasonedly discusses issues of economic security, operational measures.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Protection of economic security, EDAMN 3Master’sRequiredLidija Juļa