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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Xavier Landes
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Public Health; Information and Communication Science; Social Welfare and Social Work; Political Science; Sociology; Management Science
Study course descriptionFull description
Branch of science:Communication Sciences


The course will focus on the rise of populism in liberal democracies. The course will discuss the decline of the welfare state in terms of protection of citizens against bad luck, as well as the role that modern media (including social media) have been playing. The objective is to offer students the key for understanding the contemporary political context and the media influence.


Communication and culture theories.

Learning outcomes


On completion of the course, students will understand and know the paradigms of welfare and populism.


On completion of the course, students will be able to select methods relevant to their research and present results of scientific activity to the academic sector and public.


On completion of the course, students independently analyse and evaluate the media content, interpreting it within the framework of the learned paradigms, put forward the research questions, plan and manage scientific projects on presentation of welfare and populism in media.

Study course planning

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