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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ēriks Treļs
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Person and Property Defence
Branch of science:Law; Theory and History of Rights


To prepare students for evaluating various situations correctly, safely and quickly and applying the acquired knowledge in practical police work.

1. To gain knowledge about the organisation and legal regulation of the work of police services;
2. To develop understanding of the role of police in a democratic and law-governed country;
3. To get acquainted with the organisation of police authorities and position thereof in the state executive mechanism, with police tasks, principles of operation, as well as duties, rights and responsibilities of police officers.
4. To gain knowledge about the regulatory framework of procedures of service.


No prerequisites.

Learning outcomes


About police authorities, structure of police authorities, system and competence thereof; about the organisation of police work, about police tasks, operational principles; about the duties, rights and responsibilities of police officers; about the service and disciplinary responsibility; about the cross-border cooperation of police authorities.


To have good knowledge of the work of the police services and tasks of the departments; to perform official duties professionally in ensuring public order and preventing delinquency; to evaluate situations safely and quickly, to decide on the justification of the use of physical force, special means and firearms; to evaluate the justification of police cross-border cooperation, to know the procedures of cooperation.


To perform official duties professionally and efficiently; to take decisions and justify the lawfulness of one's actions; to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical work.

Study course planning

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