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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Deniss Hanovs
Study type:Part-Time, Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Political Science
Study course description Full description, Part-Time, Full time
Branch of science:International Politics; Political science


To provide students with the knowledge of the transformation of political culture in Russia within last 300 years, to foster common debates on elements of political culture, to provide insight into the definition of political culture within the paradigm of cultural studies, which imply that Russian political culture is shaped by various elements of culture, such as arts, literature, religion. During the course students will be offered a chance to combine their knowledge of politics with new theoretical views and methods from cultural studies. The course consists of three parts:
1. General theoretical paradigms of cultural studies and political culture;
2. The development of Russia`s political culture and history, since the beginning of the 17th century;
3. The framing of political culture – the influence of various sectors of political culture.


Knowledge of Russian culture and history at the bachelor level.

Learning outcomes


1.Students will explain the stages of the development of Russian political culture. Students will describe the most important stages of the transformation of Russian political culture and the dynamics of their development over the last 300 years. Students will distinguish the concepts of cultural theories from the concepts and principles of political culture, as well as compare them.


1.Students will independently analyze texts on the development of Russian political culture over the past 300 years, critically selecting sources of information, presenting their conclusions and answering questions during seminars. Students will explain the dynamics of Russian political culture transformation in an argumentative and in-depth way and anticipate the development trends of Russian political culture in the perspective.


1.Students will develop research based on interdisciplinary scientific literature, combining theoretical concepts of cultural and political science and applying them in the study of empirical elements. Students will interpret the assumptions made in theoretical knowledge in the context of Russia's current transformation processes.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Russia and Eurasia Studies1Master'sLimited choiceDeniss Hanovs
International Governance and Diplomacy1Master'sLimited choiceDeniss Hanovs
International Relations and Diplomacy1Master'sLimited choiceDeniss Hanovs