Psihiatrijas un narkoloģijas katedra
Darbības virzieni, galvenie pamatuzdevumi un mērķi
- Kvalificētas līdzdiploma un tālākizglītības organizēšana psihiatrijā un narkoloģijā
- Praktizējošo psihiatru kvalifikācijas paaugstināšana
- Studentu, bakalauru, maģistru un rezidentu zinātniski pētniecisko darbu vadīšana
- Dokturantūras studiju vadīšana
- Katedras docētāju zinātniski pētnieciskās darbības veicināšana
- Katedras mācībspēku kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanas un uzturēšanas nodrošināšana
Pētniecības virzieni
- Psihisko traucējumu epidemioloģija un klīnika
- Jaunākās paaudzes psihotropo medikamentu mērķa simptomi
- Bērnu un jauniešu psihisko, uzvedības un neiropsihiskās attīstības traucējumu diagnostika, ārstēšana un psihiatriskā rehabilitāicja
- Pašnāvību problēma klīniskā un sabiedrības psihiskās veselības skatījumā
- Sabiedrības psihiskās veselības problēmas
- Atkarības vielu lietošana un to saistība ar citām saslimšanām
Zinātniskās tēmas
- Perinatālo psihisko traucējumu izplatība, asociētie faktori, atpazīšanas un ārstēšanas uzlabošana
- Ģimenes ārstu izglītība psihisko traucējumu atpazīšanā, vadīšanā un ārstēšanā (ECHO projekts)
- Depresijas un citu psihisko traucējumu izplatība vispārējā populācijā un primārajā aprūpē. Psihisko traucējumu ārstēšanas uzlabošana primārajā aprūpē
- Latvijas iedzīvotāju (15–64 gadu vecumā) psihiskās veselības pašvērtējums (FINBALT veselības monitorings)
- Pašnāvību, pašnāvību mēģinājumu un uzvedības monitorings Latvijā
- Bērnu un jauniešu psihisko, uzvedības un neirālās attīstības traucējumu atpazīšanas un agrīnās diagnostikas metodes
- Sabiedrības psihiskās veselība, bērnu un jauniešu psihisko veselību ietekmējošo faktoru izpēte (HBSC pētījums, GCAMHS pētījums u. c.)
- Digitālās nefarmakoloģiskās intervences
- Bērnu un jauniešu psihiskās veselības aprūpes organizācija
Starptautiskā un vietējā sadarbība studiju vai zinātniskajā darbā
- Jaunmeksikas Universitātes Veselības zinātņu centrs, ASV (The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center)
- Masačūsetsas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultāte, ASV (The University of Massachussetts Medical School, UMMS)
- Freiburgas Universitātes Psihiatrijas un psihoterapijas klīnika, Vācija (Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie of Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
- Helsinku Universitātes slimnīca, Somija
- Turku Universitātes Bērnu psihiatrijas pētniecības centrs, Somija
- VSIA Nacionālais psihiskās veselības centrs
- VSIA Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca, Bērnu un jauniešu psihiskās veselības centrs un Metodiskās vadības centrs
- SIA Bērnu un pusaudžu resursu centrs
- RSU Sabiedrības veselības institūts
- RSU Veselības un sporta zinātņu fakultāte
- RSU Veselības psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas katedra
- LU Izglītības zinātņu un psiholoģijas fakultātes Psiholoģijas nodaļa
- Slimību profilakes un kontroles centrs
- VSIA Rīgas Austrumu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca
- VSIA Paula Stradiņa klīniskā universitātes slimnīca
- Starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas
- An expert review of clozapine in Eastern European countries: Use, regulations and pharmacovigilance / Sagud, M., Breznoscakova, D., Celofiga, A., Chihai, J., Chkonia, E., Ristic Ignjatovic, D., Injac Stevovic, L., Kopecek, M., Kurvits, K., Kuzo, N., Lazáry, J., Mazaliauskienė, R., Mladina Perisa, D., Novotni, A., Panov, G., Pikirenia, U., Rădulescu, F. Ș., Sukiasyan, S. G., Taube, M. & Tomori, S. & 4 others, , Jun 2024, In: Schizophrenia Research. 268, p. 53-59 7 p.
- Clinician treatment choices for post-traumatic stress disorder: ambassadors survey of psychiatrists in 39 European countries / Rojnic Kuzman, M. (Corresponding Author), Padberg, F., Amann, B. L., Schouler-Ocak, M., Bajic, Z., Melartin, T., James, A., Beezhold, J., Artigue Gómez, J., Arango, C., Jendricko, T., Ismayilov, J., Flannery, W., Chumakov, E., Başar, K., Vahip, S., Dudek, D., Samochowiec, J., Mihajlovic, G. & Rota, F. & 27 others, , 7 Mar 2024, In: European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 67, 1, p. e24
- Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool / Benedetti, A. (Corresponding Author) & Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Group, 4 Nov 2024, In: JAMA network open. 7, 11, p. e2429630
- Disorders Due to Substance Use: Nicotine: Nicotine / Ziedonis, D. (Corresponding Author), Cimpeanu, C., Bachyrycz, A., Morelli, E. & Rancāns, E., 5 Sept 2024, Tasman’s Psychiatry . Tasman, A., Riba, M., Schulze, T. G., Ng, C. H., Alfonso, C. A., Lecic-Tosevski, D., Kanba, S., Alarcón , R. D. & Ndeteihave , D. (eds.). Fifth Edition ed. Springer Cham, p. 2729-2779 50 p.
- Editorial: Reviews in psychiatry 2022: psychopharmacology / Taube, M., Feb 2024, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15, 1382027.
- EFFECT OF THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY STATE IN THE LATVIAN GENERAL POPULATION WITH DEPRESSION AND DISTRESS ON CHANGES OF PATTERNS OF SMOKING AND PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE / Germanenko, I. (Corresponding Author), Vrubļevska, J., Fountoulakis, K. N. & Rancāns, E., 1 Feb 2024, In: Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 78, 1, p. 85-90 6 p.
- Internal Validation of the Latvian Version of 16- Item Prodromal Questionnaire in A Help- Seeking Adolescent Population: Psychometric Analysis and Associated Factors / Germanenko, I. (Corresponding Author), Vrubļevska, J., Bezborodovs, Ņ. & Rancāns, E., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
- New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review / Lazareva, M. (Corresponding Author), Renemane, L., Vrublevska, J. & Rancans, E., 2024, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15, 1360338.
- Non-binary gender, vulnerable populations and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the general population (COMET-G) study / Fountoulakis, K. N., Vrublevska, J., Abraham, S., Adorjan, K., Ahmed, H. U., Alarcón, R. D., Arai, K., Auwal, S. S., Berk, M., Bjedov, S., Bobes, J., Bobes-Bascaran, T., Bourgin-Duchesnay, J., Bredicean, C. A., Bukelskis, L., Burkadze, A., Abud, I. I. C., Castilla-Puentes, R., Cetkovich, M. & Colon-Rivera, H. & 30 others, , 1 May 2024, In: Journal of Affective Disorders. 352, p. 536-551 16 p.
- Psychometric properties and normative data of the Latvian and Russian language versions of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in the Latvian general adolescent population / Bezborodovs, Ņ. (Corresponding Author), Krēgers, R., Vētra, L., Rancāns, E. & Villeruša, A., May 2024, In: Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry. 78, 4, p. 301-311 11 p.
- Sertraline induced acute hepatocellular liver injury in patient with major depressive disorder: a case report / Renemane, L. (Corresponding Author) & Rancans, E., 1 Aug 2024, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15, 1456455.
- Somatic multi-comorbidity and disability in patients with psychiatric disorders in comparison to the general population: A quasi-epidemiological investigation in 54,826 subjects from 40 countries (COMET-G study) / Fountoulakis, K. N., Karakatsoulis, G. (Corresponding Author), Abraham, S., Adorjan, K., Ahmed, H. U., Alarcón, R. D., Arai, K., Auwal, S. S., Berk, M., Bjedov, S., Bobes, J., Bobes-Bascaran, T., Bourgin-Duchesnay, J., Bredicean, C. A., Bukelskis, L., Burkadze, A., Abud, I. I. C., Castilla-Puentes, R., Cetkovich, M. & Colon-Rivera, H. & 30 others, , 25 Apr 2024, In: CNS Spectrums. 29, 2, p. 126-149 24 p.
- Subjective health status, health behaviours, and high-risk behaviours as factors associated with adolescent mental health / Bezborodovs, Ņ. & Villerusa, A., 29 Mar 2024, 9th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE. Vilka, L. & Krumina, J. (eds.). Riga, Vol. 184. 10 p. 02002. (SHS Web of Conferences).
- The potential of psychiatric outpatient centers to reduce the length of stay in inpatient facilities and the negative impact of COVID-19 on the availability of psychiatric services: the case of Latvia / Taube, M., 4 Jul 2024, In: Frontiers in Health Services. 4, 1348919.
- Vietējās un citas publikācijas
- Emocionālo un uzvedības problēmu prevalence un ar to asociētie faktori Latvijas pusaudžu populācijā. Translated title of the contribution: Prevalence and Associated Factors of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Latvian Adolescent Population / Bezborodovs, Ņ., 2024, Riga: Rīga Stradiņš University. 154 p.
- Pēcdzemdību depresija — kas tā ir? / Lazareva, M., Rubene, L., Renemane, L. & Rancāns, E., 14 May 2024, Doctus, marts, p. 9-14.
- Telementoringa programma ECHO Latvijā – inovatīva ģimenes ārstu apmācības programma psihiatrijā / Burceva, M., Vinogradova, V. V., Renemane, L. & Rancāns, E., May 2024, Latvijas Ārsts, maijs/jūnijs, p. 33-36 4 p.
- Trauksmes zīmē / Rancāns, E., 13 May 2024, Ievas veselība, 5, p. 33-37.
- Starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas
- Vorobjova, J., Pilaga, S. M., Mikelsone, M., Rancans, E., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N. & Vrubļevska, J. / Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Mental Health in the Student Community of Latvia During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Oct 2023, In: Psychiatria Danubina. 35, Suppl. 2, p. 271-281 11 p.
- Renemane, L. & Rancāns, E. / Case report: Treatment-resistant schizophrenia with auto-aggressive compulsive behavior—Successful management with cariprazine. 29 Jun 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1209077.
- Windel, F., Gardier, R. M. M., Fourchard, G., Viñals, R., Bavelier, D., Padberg, F. J., Rancans, E., Bonne, O., Nahum, M., Thiran, J. P., Morishita, T. & Hummel, F. C. / Computer vision-based algorithm to sUppoRt coRrect electrode placemeNT (CURRENT) for home-based electric non-invasive brain stimulation. Sept 2023, In: Clinical Neurophysiology. 153, p. 57-67 11 p.
- Germanenko, I., Bezborodovs, Ņ., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Epidemiology and associated factors of schizophrenia in Riga Children's Clinical University Hospital Child psychiatry clinic, 2012-2021. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl. 2, p. 255 1 p.
- Dechantsreiter, E., Padberg, F., Morash, A., Kumpf, U., Nguyen, A., Menestrina, Z., Windel, F., Burkhardt, G., Goerigk, S., Morishita, T., Soldini, A., Ahissar, S., Cohen, T., Pasqualotto, A., Rubene, L., Konosonoka, L., Keeser, D., Zill, P., Assi, R., Gardier, R., Viñals, R., Thiran, J-P., Segman, R., Benjamini, Y., Bonne, O., Hummel, F. C., Bavelier, D., Rancans, E. & Nahum, M. / Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control video game and a home-based, self-administered non-invasive brain stimulation on alleviating depression: the DiSCoVeR trial protocol. Feb 2023, In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 273, 1, p. 85-98 14 p.
- Germanenko, I., Braziloviča, A., Bezborodovs, Ņ., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Internal validity of the Latvian version of 16-item Prodromal Questionnaire PQ-16 in help-seeking population in Riga Children's Clinical University Hospital psychiatry clinic - first step description. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl. 2, p. 266 1 p.
- Vinogradova, V. V., Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Point prevalence and sex-specific associated factors of depression in Latvian general population. 28 Mar 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1065404.
- Vinogradova, V. V., Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Prevalence and associated factors of obsessive-compulsive disorder among the general population of Latvia. 19 Jul 2023, In: European Psychiatry. 66, Suppl. 1, p. S231-S232
- Vinogradova, V. V., Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Prevalence and associated socio-demographic factors of suicidal behaviour in the general population of Latvia. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 287 1 p.
- Vorobjova, J., Pilaga, S. M., Gustsone, B. E., Rancans, E., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N. & Vrublevska, J. / Prevalence of Distress and Depression and Related Health and Behavioural Factors in the Student Population of Latvia during the COVID-19 Outbreak. 1 Feb 2023, In: Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences. 77, 1, p. 15-23 9 p.
- Bezborodovs, Ņ., Kočāne, A., Rancāns, E. & Villerusa, A. / Psychometric properties of the parent-report version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in a clinical population of Latvian children and adolescents. 2023, In: European Psychiatry. 66, S1, p. S393
- N Fountoulakis, K., N Karakatsoulis, G., Abraham, S., Adorjan, K., Ahmed, H. U., Alarcón, R. D., Arai, K., Auwal, S. S., Bobes, J., Bobes-Bascaran, T., Bourgin-Duchesnay, J., Bredicean, C. A., Bukelskis, L., Burkadze, A., Cabrera Abud, I. I., Castilla-Puentes, R., Cetkovich, M., Colon-Rivera, H., Corral, R., Cortez-Vergara, C., Crepin, P., de Berardis, D., Zamora Delgado, S., de Lucena, D., de Sousa, A., di Stefano, R., Dodd, S., Elek, L. P., Elissa, A., Erdelyi-Hamza, B., Erzin, G., Etchevers, M. J., Falkai, P., Farcas, A., Fedotov, I., Filatova, V., Fountoulakis, N. K., Frankova, I., Franza, F., Frias, P., Galako, T., Garay, C. J., Garcia-Álvarez, L., García-Portilla, P., Gonda, X., Gondek, T. M., Morera González, D., Gould, H., Grandinetti, P., Grau, A., Groudeva, V., Hagin, M., Harada, T., Hasan, T. M., Azreen Hashim, N., Hilbig, J., Hossain, S., Iakimova, R., Ibrahim, M., Iftene, F., Ignatenko, Y., Irarrazaval, M., Ismail, Z., Ismayilova, J., Jacobs, A., Jakovljević, M., Jakšić, N., Javed, A., Yilmaz Kafali, H., Karia, S., Kazakova, O., Khalifa, D., Khaustova, O., Koh, S., Kopishinskaia, S., Kosenko, K., Koupidis, S. A., Kovacs, I., Kulig, B., Lalljee, A., Liewig, J., Majid, A., Malashonkova, E., Malik, K., Iqbal Malik, N., Mammadzada, G., Mandalia, B., Marazziti, D., Marčinko, D., Martinez, S., Matiekus, E., Mejia, G., Memon, R. S., Meza Martínez, X. E., Mickevičiūtė, D., Milev, R., Mohammed, M., Molina-López, A., Morozov, P., Muhammad, N. S., Mustač, F., Naor, M. S., Nassieb, A., Navickas, A., Okasha, T., Pandova, M., Panfil, A-L., Panteleeva, L., Papava, I., Patsali, M. E., Pavlichenko, A., Pejuskovic, B., Pinto da Costa, M., Popkov, M., Popovic, D., Raduan, N. J. N., Vargas Ramírez, F., Rancans, E., Razali, S., Rebok, F., Rewekant, A., Reyes Flores, E. N., Rivera-Encinas, M. T., Saiz, P. A., Sánchez de Carmona, M., Saucedo Martínez, D., Saw, J. A., Saygili, G., Schneidereit, P., Shah, B., Shirasaka, T., Silagadze, K., Sitanggang, S., Skugarevsky, O., Spikina, A., Mahalingappa, S. S., Stoyanova, M., Szczegielniak, A., Tamasan, S. C., Tavormina, G., Tavormina, M. G. M., Theodorakis, P. N., Tohen, M., Tsapakis, E-M., Tukhvatullina, D., Ullah, I., Vaidya, R., Vega-Dienstmaier, J. M., Vrublevska, J., Vukovic, O., Vysotska, O., Widiasih, N., Yashikhina, A., Prezerakos, P. E., Berk, M., Levaj, S. & Smirnova, D. / Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the health professionals (COMET-HP) study: depression, suicidal tendencies and conspiracism. Sept 2023, In: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 58, 9, p. 1387-1410 24 p.
- Mieze, K., Kivite-Urtane, A., Grinberga, D., Velika, B., Pudule, I. & Rancans, E. / Self-reported suicidal behaviours and associated factors in the general population of Latvia (2010-2018). Nov 2023, In: International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 69, 7, p. 1749-1767 19 p.
- Vinogradova, V. V., Ķīvīte-Urtāne, A., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Sex-specific differences in the associated factors of depressive symptoms: a population-based study. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 302 1 p.
- Bezborodovs, Ņ., Kočāne, A., Reinholds Miķlsons, G., Rancāns, E. & Villerusa, A. / Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as a mental health screening tool in general and clinical adolescent populations in Latvia. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 304 1 p.
- Galmes, L. N. & Rancans, E. Successful high dose antipsychotic treatment with cariprazine in patients on the schizophrenia spectrum: Real-world evidence from a Spanish hospital setting. 24 Feb 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1112697.
- Sagud, M., Breznoscakova, D., Celofiga, A., Chihai, J., Chkonia, E., Ristic Ignjatovic, D., Injac Stevovic, L., Kopecek, M., Kurvits, K., Kuzo, N., Lazáry, J., Mazaliauskienė, R., Mladina Perisa, D., Novotni, A., Panov, G., Pikirenia, U., Rădulescu, F. Ș., Sukiasyan, S. G., Taube, M., Tomori, S., & 4 others / An expert review of clozapine in Eastern European countries: Use, regulations and pharmacovigilance. 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Schizophrenia Research.
- Boļšakova, L. & Bezborodovs, Ņ. Antidepressant therapy in first-time patients hospitalized in a child and adolescent psychiatry ward with a depressive episode. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Supplement 1, p. 61 1 p.
- Vrublevska, J. / Case report: Successful administration of cariprazine in a young, severely ill patient with recurrent relapses of schizophrenia and persistent negative symptoms. 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1134692.
- Cummings, J. R., Zhang, X., Gandré, C., Morsella, A., Shields-Zeeman, L., Winkelmann, J., Allin, S., Augusto, G. F., Cascini, F., Cserháti, Z., de Belvis, A. G., Eriksen, A., Fronteira, I., Jamieson, M., Murauskienė, L., Palmer, W. L., Ricciardi, W., Samuel, H., Scintee, S. G., Taube, M., & 2 others / Challenges facing mental health systems arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 14 European and North American countries. Oct 2023, In: Health Policy. 136, 104878.
- Priedeslaipa, J., Paeglite, M. & Bezborodovs, Ņ. / Clinical characteristics of restrained patients in the Children's Clinical University Hospital Child psychiatry clinic inpatient ward in the years 2013 to 2022. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Supplement 2, p. 244 1 p.
- Kočāne, A., Reinholds Miķlsons, G. & Bezborodovs, Ņ. / Clinical utility of the self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient setting. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 245 1 p.
- Taube, M. / Depression and brain fog as long-COVID mental health consequences: Difficult, complex and partially successful treatment of a 72-year-old patient—A case report. 24 Mar 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, 1153512.
- Dechantsreiter, E., Padberg, F., Morash, A., Kumpf, U., Nguyen, A., Menestrina, Z., Windel, F., Burkhardt, G., Goerigk, S., Morishita, T., Soldini, A., Ahissar, S., Cohen, T., Pasqualotto, A., Rubene, L., Konosonoka, L., Keeser, D., Zill, P., Assi, R., Gardier, R., & 9 others / Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control video game and a home-based, self-administered non-invasive brain stimulation on alleviating depression: the DiSCoVeR trial protocol. Feb 2023, In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 273, 1, p. 85-98 14 p.
- Siliņa, E., Taube, M. & Zolovs, M. / Exploring the Mediating Role of Parental Anxiety in the Link between Children’s Mental Health and Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes. Oct 2023, In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 19, 6849.
- Bezborodovs, Ņ. & Villerusa, A. / Subjective health status, health behaviours and high-risk behaviours as risk factors for adolescent psychopathology. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Suppl.2, p. 792 1 p.
- Prasad, S., Jain, N., Umar, T. P., Radenkov, I., Khalid Ahmed, S., Sakagianni, V., Kollia, S., Junaid Hingora, M., Kumari, N., Akbari, A. R., Renemane, L. & Bachu, A. / Sympathetic Nerve Blocks for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Evidentiary Review for Future Clinical Trials. 23 Dec 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14, p. 01-16 16 p., 1309986.
- Paeglite, M., Priedeslaipa, J. & Bezborodovs, Ņ. / The use of coercive measures in child and adolescent psychiatry practice in the Children’s Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia – a 10-year audit study. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Supplement 1, p. 123 1 p.
- Astraņina, M. & Bezborodovs, Ņ. / Validity aspects of the 23-item Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) in a clinical population of Latvian children. 2023, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 59, Supplement 2, p. 310 1 p.
- Vietējās un citas publikācijas
- Vinogradova, V. V. / Depresijas un ģeneralizētas trauksmes traucējumu simptomu izplatība un dzimuma specifiskie asociētie faktori Latvijas vispārējā pieaugušo iedzīvotāju populācijā (Translated title of the contribution: Prevalence and Sex-Specific Associated Factors of Depression and Generalised Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in the General Adult Population of Latvia). 27 Nov 2023, Rīga: Rīga Stradiņš University. 127 p.
- Rancāns, E. / Depresija – māksla atpazīt. Oct 2023, Doctus, 271, 10, p. 6 9 p.
- Klendere, J., Jakuba-Zolotarjova, M., Vinogradova, V. V., Ņesterenko, R. & Skuja, V. / Nieze. Ārstēšanas iespējas daudzdisciplīnu skatījumā. 24 Jan 2023, Doctus, 1, p. 32-37.
- Starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas
- Vinogradova, V. V., Kivite-Urtane, A., Vrublevska, J. & Rancans, E. / Anxiety Screening among the General Population of Latvia and Associated Factors. 26 Aug 2022, In: Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 58, 9, p. 1163 16 p., 1163.
- Bitter, I., Mohr, P., Raspopova, N., Szulc, A., Samochowiec, J., Micluia, I. V., Skugarevsky, O., Herold, R., Mihaljevic-Peles, A., Okribelashvili, N., Dragašek, J., Adomaitiene, V., Rancans, E., Chihai, J., Maruta, N., Marić, N. P., Milanova, V., Tavčar, R. & Mosolov, S. / Assessment and Treatment of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia-A Regional Perspective. 4 Feb 2022, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12, p. 820801
- Rezgale, B., Vrublevska, J., Sibalova, A., Germanenko, I. & Rancans, E. / Characterisation of a conspiracy believers and their mental health during the COVID-19 emergency state in Latvia. 2022, (Accepted/In press) In: Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry.
- Rojnic Kuzman, M., Slade, M., Puschner, B., Scanferla, E., Bajic, Z., Courtet, P., Samochowiec, J., Arango, C., Vahip, S., Taube, M., Falkai, P., Dom, G., Izakova, L., Carpiniello, B., Bellani, M., Fiorillo, A., Skugarevsky, O., Mihaljevic-Peles, A., Telles-Correia, D., Novais, F., & 21 others / Clinical decision-making style preferences of European psychiatrists: Results from the Ambassadors survey in 38 countries. 21 Oct 2022, In: European Psychiatry. 65, 1, e75.
- Bezborodovs, Ņ., Kočāne, A., Rancāns, E. & Villerusa, A. / Clinical Utility of the Parent-Report Version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Latvian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Practice. 4 Nov 2022, In: Medicina (Kaunas). 58, 11, 1599.
- Vrublevska, J., Perepjolkina, V., Martinsone, K., Kolesnikova, J., Krone, I., Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N. & Rancans, E. / Determinants of Anxiety in the General Latvian Population During the COVID-19 State of Emergency. 2022, In: Frontiers in Public Health. 10, 854812.
- Rancans, E., Dombi, Z. B. & Barabássy, Á. / Dosing Cariprazine Within and Beyond Clinical Trials: Recommendations for the Treatment of Schizophrenia. 5 Jan 2022, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12, p. 770234 770234.
- Dechantsreiter, E., Padberg, F., Morash, A., Kumpf, U., Nguyen, A., Menestrina, Z., Windel, F., Burkhardt, G., Goerigk, S., Morishita, T., Soldini, A., Ahissar, S., Cohen, T., Pasqualotto, A., Rubene, L., Konosonoka, L., Keeser, D., Zill, P., Assi, R., Gardier, R., & 9 others / Examining the synergistic effects of a cognitive control video game and a home-based, self-administered non-invasive brain stimulation on alleviating depression: the DiSCoVeR trial protocol. 22 Oct 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
- Harel, D., the DEPRESsion Screening Data DEPRESSD PHQ Collaboration & Rancans, E. / External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis: A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4. Aug 2022, In: Methods. 204, p. 300-311
- Renemane, L., Vrublevska, J. & Cera, I. / First Episode Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: a Case Report. Sep 2022, In: Psychiatria Danubina. 34, Suppl. 8, p. 56-59 4 p.
- Fountoulakis, K. N., Karakatsoulis, G., Abraham, S., Adorjan, K., Ahmed, H. U., Alarcón, R. D., Arai, K., Auwal, S. S., Berk, M., Bjedov, S., Bobes, J., Bobes-Bascaran, T., Bourgin-Duchesnay, J., Bredicean, C. A., Bukelskis, L., Burkadze, A., Abud, I. I. C., Castilla-Puentes, R., Cetkovich, M., Colon-Rivera, H., & 137 others / Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study. Jan 2022, In: European Neuropsychopharmacology. 54, p. 21-40 20 p.
- Rancans, E. / SYMPOSIUM 8: mental health and COVID-19 pandemics in the Baltic countries and Finland. 2022, In: Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry. 75, sup1, p. S4
- COMET-G collaboration, Rancans, E. & Vrubļevska, J. / The effect of different degrees of lockdown and self-identified gender on anxiety, depression and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the international COMET-G study. Sep 2022, In: Psychiatry Research. 315, 114702.
- Vrublevska, J., Renemane, L., Kivite-Urtane, A. & Rancans, E. / Validation of the generalized anxiety disorder scales (GAD-7 and GAD-2) in primary care settings in Latvia. 6 Oct 2022, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13, p. 1-10 972628.
- Vietējās un citas publikācijas
- Sīle, L. / Agrīnās intervences programmas adaptēšana un efektivitātes novērtējums pacientiem ar šizofrēniskā spektra pirmo psihozes epizodi Latgales reģionā; Translated title of the contribution: Adaptation and Assessment of Efficacy of Early Intervention Programme for Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum First-Episode Psychosis in Latgale Region. 2022, Rīga: Rīga Stradiņš University. 131 p.
- Germanenko, I., Bezborodovs, Ņ., Vrubļevska, J. & Rancāns, E. / Early-onset schizophrenia in Riga's Children's Clinical University Hospital 2012-2021: epidemiology and social factors. 2022. 1 p.
- Vanags, E., Bezborodovs, Ņ., Riekstiņa, L., Zelčs, A., Skara, D., Vecgrāve, A., Celmiņa, M. & Strautmanis, J. / Cognitive abilities in children with ADHD, comorbid epilepsy and typically developed children. 2022, p. 1-22.
- Renemane, L. & Marija, L. / Sezonāli depresīvi traucējumi. 1 Oct 2022, In: Doctus. 10, p. 10-13 63 p.
- Starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas
- Renemane, Lubova; Vrublevska, Jelena. / Hamilton depression rating scale : Uses and applications. The Neuroscience of Depression: Features, Diagnosis, and Treatment. editor / Martin Colin ; Patel Vinood ; Rajendram Rajkumar ; Hunter Lan-Anh ; Victor Preedy. Elsevier, 2021. pp. 175-183 (The Neuroscience of Depression).
- Matutyte, Lina; Belena, Ilona; Bezborodovs, Nikita; Madissoon, Doris; Pinto da Costa, Mariana. / Attitudes towards migration from the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea : similar history but different psychiatric trainees?. In: International Review of Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 33, No. 1-2. pp. 16-22.
- Taube, Māris. / Case Report : Severe Side Effects Following Treatment With First Generation Antipsychotics While Cariprazine Leads to Full Recovery. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021 ; No. 12. pp. 1-5.
- Mundt, Adrian P.; Rozas Serri, Enzo; Siebenfoercher, Mathias; Alikaj, Valbona; Ismayilov, Fuad; Razvodovsky, Yury E.; Hasanovic, Mevludin; Marinov, Petar; Franciskovic, Tanja; Cermakova, Pavla; Harro, Jaanus; Sulaberidze, Lela; Kalapos, Miklos Peter; Assimov, Marat; Nurmagambetova, Saltanat; Ibishi, Nazmie F.; Molchanova, Elena; Taube, Maris; Chihai, Jana; Dedovic, Jovo; Gosek, Pawel; Tataru, Nicoleta; Golenkov, Andrei; Lecic-Tosevski, Dusica; Randjelovic, Dunja; Izakova, Lubomira; Svab, Vesna; Vohidova, Mutabara; Kerimi, Nina; Sukhovii, Oleksii; Priebe, Stefan. / Changes in national rates of psychiatric beds and incarceration in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia from 1990-2019 : A retrospective database analysis. In: LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-EUROPE. 2021 ; Vol. 7.
- Harel, Daphna; the DEPRESsion Screening Data DEPRESSD PHQ Collaboration; Rancans, Elmars. / External validation of a shortened screening tool using individual participant data meta-analysis : A case study of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Dep-4. In: Methods. 2021.
- Šuriņa, Sanita; Martinsone, Kristine; Perepjolkina, Viktorija; Kolesnikova, Jelena; Vainik, Uku; Ruža, Aleksejs; Vrublevska, Jelena; Smirnova, Daria; Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N.; Rancans, Elmars. / Factors Related to COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors : A Structural Equation Model. In: Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 ; Vol. 12.
- Vrublevska, Jelena; Sibalova, Anna; Aleskere, Ilana; Rezgale, Baiba; Smirnova, Daria; Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N; Rancans, Elmars. / Factors related to depression, distress, and self-reported changes in anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Latvia. In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 75, No. 8. pp. 614-623.
- Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N.; Dragioti, Elena; Theofilidis, Antonis T.; Wiklund, Tobias; Atmatzidis, Xenofon; Nimatoudis, Ioannis; Thys, Erik; Wampers, Martien; Hranov, Luchezar; Hristova, Trayana; Aptalidis, Daniil; Milev, Roumen; Iftene, Felicia; Spaniel, Filip; Knytl, Pavel; Furstova, Petra; From, Tiina; Karlsson, Henry; Walta, Maija; Salokangas, Raimo K. R.; Azorin, Jean Michel; Bouniard, Justine; Montant, Julie; Juckel, Georg; Haussleiter, Ida S.; Douzenis, Athanasios; Michopoulos, Ioannis; Ferentinos, Panagiotis; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Mantonakis, Leonidas; Nemes, Zsófia; Gonda, Xenia; Vajda, Dora; Juhasz, Anita; Shrivastava, Amresh; Waddington, John; Pompili, Maurizio; Comparelli, Anna; Corigliano, Valentina; Rancans, Elmars; Navickas, Alvydas; Hilbig, Jan; Bukelskis, Laurynas; Stevovic, Lidija I.; Vodopic, Sanja; Esan, Oluyomi; Oladele, Oluremi; Osunbote, Christopher; Rybakowski, Janusz K.; Wojciak, Pawel; Domowicz, Klaudia; Figueira, Maria L.; Linhares, Ludgero; Crawford, Joana; Panfil, Anca Livia; Smirnova, Daria; Izmailova, Olga; Lecic-Tosevski, Dusica; Temmingh, Henk; Howells, Fleur; Bobes, Julio; Garcia-Portilla, Maria P.; García-Alvarez, Leticia; Erzin, Gamze; Karadağ, Hasan; de Sousa, Avinash; Bendre, Anuja; Hoschl, Cyril; Bredicean, Cristina; Papava, Ion; Vukovic, Olivera; Pejuskovic, Bojana; Russell, Vincent; Athanasiadis, Loukas; Konsta, Anastasia; Stein, Dan; Berk, Michael; Dean, Olivia; Tandon, Rajiv; Kasper, Siegfried; de Hert, Marc. / Gender, age at onset and duration of being ill as predictors for the long-term course and outcome of Schizophrenia : An international multi-center study. In: CNS Spectrums. 2021.
- Taube, Maris. / Hyponatremia caused by water intoxication : Successful treatment of psychiatric disturbances with olanzapine and fluoxetine. In: Oxford Medical Case Reports. 2021 ; Vol. 2021, No. 1. pp. 26-29.
- Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N.; Dragioti, Elena; Theofilidis, Antonis T.; Wiklund, Tobias; Atmatzidis, Xenofon; Nimatoudis, Ioannis; Thys, Erik; Wampers, Martien; Hranov, Luchezar; Hristova, Trayana; Aptalidis, Daniil; Milev, Roumen; Iftene, Felicia; Spaniel, Filip; Knytl, Pavel; Furstova, Petra; From, Tiina; Karlsson, Henry; Walta, Maija; Salokangas, Raimo K. R.; Azorin, Jean Michel; Bouniard, Justine; Montant, Julie; Juckel, Georg; Haussleiter, Ida S.; Douzenis, Athanasios; Michopoulos, Ioannis; Ferentinos, Panagiotis; Smyrnis, Nikolaos; Mantonakis, Leonidas; Nemes, Zsófia; Gonda, Xenia; Vajda, Dora; Juhasz, Anita; Shrivastava, Amresh; Waddington, John; Pompili, Maurizio; Comparelli, Anna; Corigliano, Valentina; Rancans, Elmars; Navickas, Alvydas; Hilbig, Jan; Bukelskis, Laurynas; Stevovic, Lidija I.; Vodopic, Sanja; Esan, Oluyomi; Oladele, Oluremi; Osunbote, Christopher; Rybakowski, Janusz K.; Wojciak, Pawel. / Modeling psychological function in patients with schizophrenia with the PANSS : an international multi-center study. In: CNS Spectrums. 2021 ; Vol. 26, No. 3. pp. 290-298.
- Sile, Liene; Bezina, Karina; Kvartalovs, Dmitrijs; Erts, Renars; Kikuste, Sarmite; Sapele, Inna; Rancans, Elmars. / Naturalistic follow-up study of rehospitalization rates and assigned disability status of patients with first-episode schizophrenia spectrum psychosis in South East Latvia : preliminary results. In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 75, No. 2. pp. 87-96.
- Samburskis, Daniels; Renemane, Lubova. / Premorbid personality and cognitive function impact on schizophrenia. In: Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 25, No. 4. pp. 24-28.
- Wu, Yin; DEPRESsion Screening Data (DEPRESSD) Collaboration; Rancāns, Elmārs. / Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews : A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses. In: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 2021 ; Vol. 90, No. 1. pp. 28-40.
- Renemane, Lubova; Kivite-Urtane, Anda; Rancans, Elmars. / Suicidality and Its Relation with Physical and Mental Conditions : Results from a Cross-Sectional Study of the Nationwide Primary Care Population Sample in Latvia. In: Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 2021 ; Vol. 57, No. 9.
- Laizane, M.; Ennītis, Mārtiņš; Bezborodovs, Ņikita; Landsmane, Inga. / Childhood risk factors for substance abuse in a clinical sample of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in an addiction outpatient clinic. In: European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. Supplement. pp. S722.
- Vrublevska, Jelena; Sibalova, A.; Aleskere, Ilana; Rezgale, Baiba; Smirnova, D.; Fountoulakis, K.; Rancans, E. / Depression, distress and their association with patterns of psychoactive substance use during the COVID-19 emergency state in Latvia. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S244-S244.
- Sile, L.; Rancans, E. / Early intervention in psychosis : An innovation trigger in a challenging environment. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S16-S17.
- Semjonova, Zane; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Inpatient treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID). In: Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 ; Vol. 57, No. Suppl. 1. pp. 73.
- Ennītis, Mārtiņš; Laizāne, Marta; Bezborodovs, Ņikita; Landsmane, Inga. / Latvian translation and adaptation for ASRS v1.1. symptoms checklist. In: Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 ; Vol. 57, No. Suppl. 1. pp. 142.
- Kocane, A.; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Parent and adolescent reports on emotional and peer problems in psychiatric outpatient setting using SDQ. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. Supplement. pp. S274.
- Kočāne, Arta; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Parent reports on externalizing difficulties in child-adolescent psychiatric outpatient setting using SDQ and their relation to clinical diagnosis. In: Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 ; Vol. 57, No. Suppl. 1. pp. 76.
- Kokina, N.; Sile, L.; Butorins, B.; Pocopko, A.; Lesina, A.; Kikuste, S.; Sapele, I.; Rancans, E. / Practical observations - the COVID-19 influence on Latvian early intervention work with first episode psychosis (FEP) patients. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S296-S296.
- Vinogradova, V. V.; Kivite-Urtane, A.; Vrublevska, J.; Rancans, E. / Prevalence of suicidal behaviours and its correlates in Latvian general population : 2019-2020. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S591-S592.
- Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Reforming CAP training in Latvia : Nowhere to go but up. In: European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. Supplement. pp. S62.
- Ennītis, Mārtiņš; Laizane, M.; Bezborodovs, Ņikita; Landsmane, Inga; Skaida, Sarmīte. / Substance-specific variability of ADHD symptoms in Riga psychiatry and addiction medicine centre treatment-seeking substance use disorder outpatient population. In: European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. Supplement. pp. S92.
- Rancans, E. / The challenges in schizophrenia treatment in real-life : The uncomfortable truth. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S36-S37.
- Vinogradova, V. V.; Kivite-Urtane, A.; Vrublevska, J.; Rancans, E. / The results of PHQ-9 screening of Latvian general population in 2019-2020. In: European Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 64, No. S1. pp. S323-S323.
- Berzina, Natalija; Petrosina, Eva; Taube, Maris. / The assessment of factors associated with patient satisfaction in evaluation of mental health care center. In: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2021 ; Vol. 75, No. 2. pp. 79-86.
- Renemane, Lubova; Vrubļevska, Jeļena. / The Neuroscience of Depression : Features, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Elsevier, 2021. 564 p.
- Studentu un rezidentu zinātniskie pētījumi, publikācijas
- Dalbiņa, Lolita; Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Blekte, Artūrs; Forstmane, Monta; Gēbele, Marta. / Alexithymia and suicidality in patients with depression in acute and subacute departments of psychiatric hospital “Ģintermuiža”. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Rubene, Linda; Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Anda; Rancāns, Elmārs. / Association between depression and anxiety symptoms, mental disorders and the prevalence and duration of sick leave in the economically active population in primary care in Latvia. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Bezborodovs, Ņikita; Zarde, Inga; Pudule, Iveta; Villeruša, Anita. / Association of self-rated health, life satisfaction and mental health difficulties in Latvian adolescents. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Society. Health. Welfare, Rīga, Latvia.
- Laizāne, Marta; Ennītis, Mārtiņš; Landsmane, Inga; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in adult outpatients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in addiction medicine clinic of Riga Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Centre. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Rancāns, Elmārs; Perepjolkina, Viktorija; Koļesņikova, Jeļena; Paiča, Inese; Mārtinsone, Kristīne. / Factors that predict anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency state. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Gaspersone, Lelde; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Gender identity disorder – diagnostic and therapeutic tendencies in Children's Clinical University Hospital, Latvia. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
Semjonova, Zane; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Inpatient treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders : retrospective chart review. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Rezgale, Baiba; Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Rancāns, Elmārs; Šibalova, Anna; Aleskere, Ilana. / Lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 emergency state in the general population of Latvia. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Rezgale, Baiba; Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Šibalova, Anna; Aleskere, Ilana; Rancāns, Elmārs. / Mental health and conspiracy theories in the general population of Latvia during the COVID-19 emergency state. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Kočāne, Arta; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Parent and adolescent reports on emotional and peer problems in psychiatric outpatient setting. Abstract from 11TH CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR AFFECTIVE DISORDERS.2 p.
- Kočāne, Arta; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Parent reports on internalising difficulties in child-adolescent psychiatric outpatient setting using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and their relation to clinical diagnosis. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Bērziņa, Natālija; Petrošina, Eva; Taube, Māris. / Patients' with schizophrenia spectrum and affective spectrum disorders satisfaction correlation with compliance to treatment after discharge. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Ennītis, Mārtiņš; Laizāne, Marta; Landsmane, Inga; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms among adult outpatients with substance use disorders in addiction medicine clinic in "Riga Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Centre". Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Kārkliņa, Evita; Taube, Māris. / Prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms among the middle medical staff in Hospital Ģintermuiža in 2020. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Serebrjakova, Ksenija; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Prevalence of the internalizing and externalizing symptoms and associated factors in children and adolescents receiving inpatient psychiatric care. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Buss, Jānis; Slokenberga, Anita; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Quality of healthcare during forensic mental health examination : clinical case report of a submitted complaint. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: PLACES, Rīga, Latvia.
- Grīnvalde, Līga; Bezborodovs, Ņikita; Masalska, Anete; Burlaks, Ingars. / Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of psychiatric inpatients of Children's Clinical University Hospital Child Psychiatry Clinic in H1 2020. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Mieze, Krista; Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Anda; Grīnberga, Daiga; Velika, Biruta; Pudule, Iveta; Rancāns, Elmārs. / Sociodemographic factors associated with self-reported suicidal attempts in the Latvian general population. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Perepjolkina, Viktorija; Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Martinsone, Kristine; Kolesnikova, Jelena; Paiča, Inese; Rancāns, Elmārs. / The association of socio-psychological factors with depression and distress in Latvian population during the COVID-19 emergency state. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Sīle, Liene; Čivčiša, Sandra; Kikuste, Sarmite; Šapele, Inna; Rancāns, Elmārs. / The effectiveness of Latvian Early intervention programme for first time schizophrenia spectrum psychosis patients. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Vinogradova, Vineta Viktorija; Ķīvīte-Urtāne, Anda; Vrubļevska, Jeļena; Rancāns, Elmārs. / The results of screening of anxiety symptoms in Latvian general population in 2019–2020. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Pavlovs, Konstantīns; Bezborodovs, Ņikita. / Use of clozapine treating refractory schizophenia in adolescents. Abstract from RSU Research week 2021: Knowledge for Use in Practice, Rīga, Latvia.
- Vietējās un citas publikācijas
- Taube, M. / Covid-19 pandēmija un psihiskā veselība. 2020, Latvijas Ārsts, 3/4, p. 49-52.
- Taube, M. / Miega traucējumi: farmakoterapijas plašās iespējas. 2021, Doctus
- Starptautiskās zinātniskās publikācijas
- Wu Y, Levis B, Ioannidis JPA, Benedetti A, Thombs BD, DEPRESsion Screening Data (DEPRESSD) Collaboration. Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. 2020:1-13. WEB: https://doi.org/10.1159/000509283
- Sile L, Bezina K, Kvartalovs D, Erts R, Kikuste S, Sapele I, Rancans E. Naturalistic follow-up study of rehospitalization rates and assigned disability status of patients with first-episode schizophrenia spectrum psychosis in South East Latvia: preliminary results. Nord J Psychiatry. 2020:1-10. WEB: https://doi.org/10.1080/08039488.2020.1799429
- Rancans E, Zambori J, Dalsgaard M, Baayen C, Areberg J, Ettrup A, Florea I. Intravenous vortioxetine to accelerate onset of effect in major depressive disorder: a 7-day randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory study. International clinical psychopharmacology. 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/YIC.0000000000000326
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- Natalija Berzina, Eva Petrošina & Maris Taube (2020) The assessment of factors associated with patient satisfaction in evaluation of mental health care center, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08039488.2020.1795715, SCOPUS
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- N. Bezborodovs, I. Pudule, A. Villerusa, 2020, Prevalence of self-reported emotional and behavioural problems in Latvian adolescents. 24th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions. Abstract, e-publication. WEB: https://www.iacapap2020.org/abstracts/
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- Recenzētās zinātniskās publikācijas
- J. Vrubļevska. BMC Psychiatry (14.06.2020): BPSY-D-20-00493
Relative prevalence of anxiety and depression in cubital tunnel syndrome patients and associated factors. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-24784/v1 - J. Vrubļevska. Journal of Affective Disorders (31.05.2020) Ref: JAD_2020_832_R1 Title: Screening for depression in primary care with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9): a systematic review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.09.131
- Elmārs Rancāns. Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy. Vortioxetine in management of major depressive disorder – a favorable alternative for elderly patients? 23.12.2020
- Elmārs Rancāns. BMJ Open. Stimating the 12-month prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder among adult primary care patients in the state of Qatar. 02.09.2020
- Elmārs Rancāns. Annals of General Psychiatry. Physical health examination in outpatients with schizophrenia: the cost effectiveness of laboratory screening tests. 25.11.2020
- Elmārs Rancāns. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. Profiles of depression in a treatment-seeking Hispanic population: psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). 26.02.2020
- Elmārs Rancāns. Frontiers. Association of somnolence among 22 antipsychotics from the FDA Adverse Events Reporting System, 1993-2019. 13.11.2020
- Elmārs Rancāns. Journal of Affective Disorders. Screening for depression in primary care with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9): a systematic review. 04.09.2020
- J. Vrubļevska. BMC Psychiatry (14.06.2020): BPSY-D-20-00493
- Studentu zinātniskie pētījumi, publikācijas
- P. Viktorova, N. Bezborodovs, 2020, Comorbid MEN IIB syndrome with psychiatric manifestations: path to the diagnosis. 16th International and 58th Polish Conference “Juvenes Pro Medicina 2020”. 220 pp
- Ilana Germanenko. Cognitive function features and feature affecting factors in patients with alcohol addiction at VSIA RPNC narcology clinic. RSU International Student Conference 2020. Abstract Book, pp. 151
- Ilana Germanenko. Prevalence and evaluation of psychological distress as a cause of working and studying disability among the latvian population. RSU International Student Conference 2020. Abstract Book, pp 177
- Tija Grēta Tolmane, Dāvis Edgars Liepa. Internalization in children and adolescents recieving inpatient psychiatric care - prevelance and possible contributing factors. RSU International Student Conference 2020. Abstract Book, pp. 159
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- Marika Garnizone. Seronegative autoimmune encephalitis: A case report in paediatrics. RSU International Student Conference 2020. Abstract Book, pp. 303
- Vietējās un citas publikācijas
- Vrubļevska J. Depresija kā pietiekami neapzināts sirds slimību riska faktors. Ārsts.lv. 02.2020.
- I. Pudule, B. Velika, D. Grīnberga, I. Gobiņa, A. Villeruša, S. Kļaviņa-Makrecka, Ņ. Bezborodovs, 2020. Latvijas skolēnu veselības paradumu pētījums 2017./2018. mācību gada aptaujas rezutāti un tendences. Slimību profilakses un kontroles centrs. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte
- Rudzīte J., Renemane Ļ., Vestermane S. ( 2020). Psihoemocionālā pārslodze. Ģimenes ārsta, psihiatra un neirologa ieteikumi un pārdomas. Decembris 2020, Doctus
- Tērauds E., Rancāns E., Andrēziņa R., Kupča B., Ancāne G., Ķiece I., Bezborodovs Ņ. 2015. Depresijas diagnostikas un ārstēšanas vadlīnijas. 3. izdevums. Latvijas Psihiatru asociācija, Rīga, 52 lpp.
- Tērauds E., Rancāns E., Andrēziņa R., Kupča B., Ķiece I., Zārde I., Bezborodovs Ņ. 2014. Šizofrēnijas diagnostikas un ārstēšanas vadlīnijas. 3. izdevums. Latvijas Psihiatru asociācija, Rīga, 43 lpp.
- Andrēziņa R., Tērauds E., Ķevere L., Bezborodovs Ņ. 2014. Uzmanības deficīta un hiperaktivitātes sindroma (UDHS) diagnostikas un korekcijas vadlīnijas bērniem un pusaudžiem. BKUS Bērnu psihiatrijas klīnika, RSU Psihiatrijas un narkoloģijas katedra, Rīga, 31 lpp.
- Rancāns E., Tērauds E., Zaļkalns J., Riževa I., Tirāns E., Taube M. 2012. Depresijas un neirotisko traucējumu diagnostikas un ārstēšanas rekomendācijas ģimenes ārstiem. RSU Psihiatrijas un narkoloģijas katedra, Rīga, 30 lpp.
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