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Dr. biol. Dace Reihmane, lead researcher andassistant professor/leader of study course “Medical Biochemistry” at RSU has research experience in invasive human studies with a primary focus on the exploration of exercise-induced changes of various biomarkers.

D. Reihmane has supervised and implemented Effective collaboration project of University of Latvia with Latvian Olympic Committee - The Physical Activity and Children overall Health Study (PACH study; Nr: ZD2019/20861). Furthermore, Dr. Reihmane has participated in implementation and coordinated the preparation of several international/national projects. Since 2023 Dr. Reihmane is principal investigator of national research program “Innovations, methodologies and recommendations for the development and management of the sports sector in Latvia” (Nr. VPP-IZM-Sports-2023/1-0001) in sports science and a leader of one of the WPs to “Develop research methods and a knowledge base of the health indicators for children and youth involved in sports and its association with the training and competition process”. Since 2024 she is a leader of EXPOSE and principal investigator of TCReX grants.

Furthermore, D. Reihmane is a member of scientific committee of European Colleague of Sport Science. Shehas taken part in Interdisciplinary program of IT Learning, offered by the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA where she was trained in numerous data analysis methods.


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