Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
The aim of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health is to implement qualitative and competitive diploma studies, organize post-diploma training, take active involvement in scientific work and participate in international cooperation.
Main directions
- Diploma studies in accredited study programmes. At the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health students acquire the basic dental disciplines in the following study subjects:
- Surgical Dentistry;
- Roentgenology – Radiology;
- Preventive Dentistry;
- Paediatric Dentistry;
- Dental Anatomy;
- Dental Public Health;
- Cardiology;
- Endodontics;
- Periodontology.
- RSU Faculty of Continuing Education, 2nd Level Professional Higher Education Study Programme Residency in Medicine, implementation of study programmes in paediatric dentistry, periodontology and endodontics
- Continuing Education programmes for medical practitioners
- Implementation of doctoral studies - serving as a post-graduate scientific and pedagogical work base
- Research (student, medical resident, doctoral student etc. research, international and local research projects)
- Cooperation with other Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) structural units, local and international institutions
Research directions
- Epidemiological research of prevalence and intensity of dental caries and other diseases of the hard tissues, periodontal and endodontic diseases
- Caries risk assessment for different age groups
- Oral health in children with congenital clefts
- Dental caries and side-effect treatment methods
- Prevention programmes for different age groups
- Latest technologies in paediatric dentistry and treatment of dental caries
- The impact of social, economic and psychological factors on oral health
Research topics
- I. Jeļisējeva: Dentistry in Latvia, 1918–1940 (supervisors: Prof. A. Brinkmane, Dr. Med. I. Lībiete)
- L. Zamure: Anthropometric radiological jawbone examination for dental implant patients (supervisor: Prof. A. Skaģers, lecturer L. Neimane)
- M. Ņizamovs: Oral health status and efficiency of behaviour change programmes in schoolchildren in Latvia (supervisor: Asoc. Prof. E. Senakola, lecturer I. Maldupa)
- S. Skrīvele: Carries and its risk factors among Riga preschool children at the age of 2 – 3 years (supervisors: Prof. R. Care, lecturer S. Bērziņa)
- I. Maldupa: Caries risk group selection and development of targeted preventive measures (supervisor.: Prof. A. Brinkmane)
- A. Mindere-Gūbele: Microflora of root filled teeth with apical periodontitis and its sensitivity to antibacterial substances (supervisor: Asoc. Prof. R. Kundziņa)
- L. Kroniņa: Correlation of the children’s dental fear and anxiety with oral health in children of 4 – 12 years of age (supervisor: Prof. R. Care)
- I. Jerša: Oral health in 35-44 year old adults living in Riga (supervisors: Prof. R. Kundziņa, lecturer I. Rence-Bambīte)
- I. Rendeniece: Prevention programme development and evaluation of advancement of caries in pregnant women and their children (supervisors: Prof. R. Care, Prof. A. Brinkmane)
- K. Krasone: Dental anomalies and oral health in children with congenital clefts in Latvian population (supervisors: Prof. R. Care, Prof. I. Akota)
- J. Kalniņa: Ozone therapy in prevention and treatment of carries in permanent teeth (supervisor: Prof. R. Care)
- Gudkina J, Amaechi BT, Abrams SH, Brinkmane A, Jelisejeva I., Petrosina E. "The effect of MI Varnish™ on caries increment among 6 and 12 years old children in Riga, Latvia. A 3 year study." Caries Res 2021; p.71. DOI: 10.1159/000517875
- Gudkina J., Amaechi B.T, Abrams S.H, Brinkmane A. “Caries Increment and Oral Hygiene Changes in 6 and 12 Years Old Children in Riga, Latvia. A Three Year Follow Up Report.” Caries Res 2017; 51:354 (abstract)
- Gudkina J., Amaechi B.T, Abrams S.H, Brinkmane A. “Caries Increment and Dietary Habits in 6 and 12 Year Old Children in Riga, Latvia.” Caries Res 2015; 49,345. (abstract)
- Gudkina J., Amaechi B.T, Abrams S.H, Brinkmane A., Rogovska I. “Sensitivity and Specificity of dmfs/DMFS to ICDAS II in Riga’s Children with Baseline Age 6 and 12 Years: A Follow-Up Study.” Caries Res 2013; 47:483. (abstract)
- Gudkina J., Abrams S.H, Brinkmane A., Rogovska I., Locāne G. ”ICDAS II and Salivary Cariogenic Microflora in Caries Development in Riga’s Children with Baseline Age 6 and 12 Years: A Follow-Up Study.” Caries Res 2011; 45:207. (abstract)
- Gudkina J., Brinkmane A., Rogovska I., Maldupa I. “Sugar and fluoride as factors influencing caries experience among 6- and 12-year-olds in Riga, Latvia.” Caries Res 2009; 43:203. (abstract)
- Gudkina J., Brinkmane A., Rogovska I. ”Dental Caries experience in relation to salivary cariogenic microflora, secretion rate buffer capacity among 6-year-old and 12- year old children in Riga.” Caries Res 2007; 41:319 (abstract)
Academic and scientific cooperation
- ERASMUS project cooperation partners:
- Cardiff University (United Kingdom);
- University of Helsinki (Finland);
- University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Odontology, Department of Oral Medicine (Sweden);
- Technical University of Dresden (Germany);
- University of Oslo (Norway).
- Friedrich-Schiller - University Jena (Germany)
- Vilnius University (Lithuania)
- Kaunas University of Medicine (Lithuania)
- University of Tromso (Norway)
- World Health Organization
- University of Valparaiso (Chile)
- Southern University of Chile (Chile)
- University of Dundee (United Kingdom)
- RSU Academic School of Dental Hygiene
- RSU Departments
- Latvian Dental Association
- Latvian Dental Hygienists Association
- Ministry of Welfare
- Latvian Medical Association
Participation in international and local projects
- Epidemiologic study implemented in cooperation with the University of Lyon (France) on-carious tooth defects and associated risk factors
- International distance learning course implemented in cooperation with Dalarna University (Sweden) Oral health – public health promotion perspective
- Nordplus project
- International project implemented in cooperation with the University of Helsinki (Finland) Smoking habits, attitudes and knowledge on smoking cessation of Stomatology Faculty students
- European Global Oral Health Indicators Development Programme (EGOHID)
Membership in international organizations and associations
- Pierre Fauchard Academy
- International Association of Dental Research
- European Association of Dental Public Health
- International College of Dentists European Section
- Council of European Chief Dental Officers
- Council of European Dentists
- International Federation of Dental Hygienists
- FDI World Dental Federation
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health
RSU Institute of Stomatology
Rīga, 20 Dzirciema iela
Phone: +37160002571
E-mail: tsk@rsu.lv
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